Category Archives: Saint Valentine

My Search for the Perfect Valentine!

Valentine’s Day is a very special day for me and not for the reasons you might think. Around midnight, 14 years ago today, I could not sleep…see what seemed an eternity (which was only a short nine months) had finally arrived! Although I was a newbie at this then, I knew it was THE time. I waited it out all night, trying to rest as much as possible in anticipation for the next day. I remember praying a lot that night, asking God to keep us safe.

At Noon, on our due date (and Valentine’s Day) I gave birth to the most perfect baby boy in the whole world! Thank you son for making me the happiest person ever! My world stopped and changed completely on this day! I thank God everyday of my life that I have you here to call you my son. I love you! You make me so proud in all you do! May the Lord continue to bless you always! Te quiero mucho, mi Nene lindo!

Happy Birthday, Guillermo!

Since he was born on Valentine’s Day, the nurses suggested naming him Valentino.  I had other plans for his name, he was named after family members instead but his connection to St. Valentine would always remain.  My Valentine’s Day, 14 years ago, changed my life forever.  As my search for the perfect Valentine had ended and I had become a mom, the greatest love on Earth, to hold your child in your arms.
So what about the REAL St. Valentine’s?  A friend posted this beautiful short video of the REAL deal, enjoy!:
Happy Saint Valentine’s Day, dear friends!

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