Category Archives: Obama

Sacred Space, Sacred Place: Religious Freedom, the Pill and the Womb

A Guest Post 
By: German Munoz, Ph.D.
March 13, 2012

Obamacare and Religious Freedom
American President Barack Hussein Obama wants to implant a socialist state in America which will control the entire society.  This is not a secret to those who do not rely on the Obama media.  However, he faces several obstacles.

One is the Constitution of the United States which is intrinsically anti-socialist.  Another obstacle is a Catholic Church strengthened with faithful American bishops in communion with the Bishop of Rome, the Pope.

Interestingly, the President attacked both obstacles on February 2012 by undermining the religious freedom protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution, and by trying to undermine the authority of the bishops by mandating some Catholic institutions to offer in their insurance policies sterilization services and birth control pills, including those which induce abortion.

Naturally, these are services which the Church considers sinful.  As a result, the Catholic Church will take this matter to the courts to prove that Obamacare and the Department of Health and Human Services are in violation of the religious freedom and freedom of conscience protected by the Constitution.

The Government’s Position and a Response
Obama supporters respond by arguing that many Catholics use birth control pills and that some “Catholic” organizations back the President.  They argue that this issue is not a constitutional one, but simply an effort to give women access to birth control.

This response by government supporters leads to some counter-arguments and reflections:
·         This is a constitutional matter because the Church is being coerced by the government to sell products or to participate in activities it considers sinful, and contrary to Her teachings, and this is a violation of the First Amendment.

·         The fact that some Catholics use birth control pills is totally meaningless as an argument on behalf of artificial birth control because they are not the head of the Church. The truth is that the head of the Church is Christ and the bishops must look to Him and not to the people to make faithful decisions.

·         Many so-called “Catholic” groups supporting Obama are not Catholic at all, for they are not under the authority of the bishops and are not following Catholic teachings, and some are financed by anti-Catholic billionaires.

·         Which constitutional principle gives the President the right to force an insurance company to give “free” birth control pills to its policyholders?

·         Why should some insurance policyholders pay for the products involved in the sexual acts of other insured people?

·         Will the order by the government to give free pills be compensated by the insurance companies with higher premiums for other more important medical items, or with dropping them from their policies?

·         Over 80 per cent of women already get birth control pills through their insurance policies and in America there are many ways to get inexpensive or even free pills, so why is Obama picking on the Catholic Church to provide these products?

·         Will the government next force the Catholic Church to pay for abortions?
The Sacred and the Veil
The truth is that the Catholic Church’s teachings on life exist in a totally different moral universe compared to the socialist agenda of the government.  The Obama world is alien to any sense of the sacred.

And yet, man, made in the image and likeness of God, must abide by a moral order to live as he ought.  In this moral order he will come in touch with the sacred and respect it.

For instance, when the ancient people of Israel carried the Ark of the Covenant, they covered it with a veil for it was considered sacred.  The same applies to that part of the Jewish Temple considered most sacred, and which was covered by a veil.

Also, the Tabernacle in the Catholic sanctuary, where the body of Christ resides, has a veil at its entrance to respect the sacred.

The Veil before the Womb: Sacred Space, Sacred Place
Not surprisingly, girls are also created with a veil covering and protecting their private parts. This is not because girls and women are sacred.  After all, only God is intrinsically sacred.  It is because in the womb, God, men and women collaborate in the creation of human beings, who have a soul.  This makes the womb a sacred place and a sacred space.

This veil is at the entrance of the vagina which leads to the uterus. It is called the hymen.  It is not there by accident. The veil is a sign that there is something important, something sacred that takes place in the womb. Therefore, it is not there to be ravished or abused with hormones, chemicals and other toxic elements in a birth control pill and in other anti-life devices implanted in this sacred place and sacred space.    

The Church’s Teachings on Female Purity
The Church understands that today She is competing against the “religion of the self”, which tells people that they have the right to do whatever they want with their bodies and souls. 

On the other hand, the Church teaches that we are created by a loving God who has revealed to us the proper way to live and that we have to surrender to Him and to His teachings to find joy. 

The Church recommends the following:

  • Maintaining virginity, that is, the physical and spiritual veil until marriage, though She understands that those who have unwisely lost their virginity before marriage can restore a spiritual virginity by remaining in abstinence until their marriage.

  • Having sex within marriage so if the woman becomes pregnant there is a family unit to raise and love the child, for over 40 per cent of our children do not have a family.

  • Encouraging those living together unmarried but committed to each other in a loving way to marry as soon as possible.

  • Opening the marriage to life.

  • Preserving the life of the unborn.

  • Using natural family planning if there is a need to prevent conception.

  • Preserving marriage so that women and their children do not go from partner to partner, a behavior which hurts the mother and the children.
The Church’s main concern is maintaining the purity of the girls, their happiness within their marriage, and their desire for children.  However, the Church will not force people to follow Her rules.  The Church opens the door to those who want to leave Her, but has always Her doors open to those who want to return to Her.

Natural Family Planning
Fortunately, Catholics who want to control their procreation can rely on many methods which go under the name of “natural family planning”. They have up to 98 per cent success rate in avoiding pregnancy.

Natural family planning does not require paying large sums of money to the “pharmaceutical industrial complex” and it does not lead to many medical problems associated with the pill, such as strokes.

Unfortunately, the cultural elites do not want our girls to know about natural alternatives to artificial birth control. Amazingly, only one per cent of those using natural family planning end up in divorce.

The Church has awakened to see a power-hungry, ideologically driven and truth-challenged President trying to undermine Her.  In addition, many of Her members do not practice Her teachings.  This is a time for prayer, penance, courage and love for Catholics so they are able to defend both the Church and the Republic.


I love everything that my dear friend and brother in Christ Dr. Munoz writes but this piece has got to be my favorite of all his writing.  God bless you, German!

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Is Obamacare the American Catholic’s Wake Up Call?

By now, I’m sure you have heard of Obama Administration’s war on religious liberty: and we have one year to comply!  If you haven’t been watching this play out, in essence the Obama Administration has decided to REQUIRE religious institutions to cover FREE contraception and sterilization for all of their employees. As Cardinal-designate Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York and president of the USCCB, said this plans states, “that sterilization and contraception — including controversial abortifacients — be included among ‘preventive services’ coverage in almost every healthcare plan available to Americans.”

The news came in just one day after Pope Benedict XVI’s address to US Catholic Bishops… knowing the Pope, this was no coincidence. But folks this attack on moral conscienceless and religious liberty should not be a shock to us.

If you ask me, the snow ball has been rolling down the hill for some time now…I mean when I posted a news article on my Facebook wall regarding Cardinal-designate Dolan’s response to the White House, I was antagonistically met by Catholic friends who were real quick to reminded me of some of the Catholic institutions that already do this (well there is only a dozen).  {On a side note, remember all of the institutions that were being stripped of the Catholic name/seal because of this very reason, these twelve must be next on that list}. A lot of these people don’t understand the problem that this poses.  One friend stated that it wasn’t forcing Catholics to use contraceptives but that the institutions had a moral right to offer this to all their employees.  So my question is this, if you are going to work for a Catholic institution, why would you EXPECT this?

Cardinal-designate Timothy Dolan, archbishop of New York and president of the USCCB, promptly denounced the decision. “In effect, the president is saying we have a year to figure out how to violate our consciences,” the cardinal-designate said. “To force American citizens to choose between violating their consciences and forgoing their healthcare is literally unconscionable. It is as much an attack on access to health care as on religious freedom. Historically this represents a challenge and a compromise of our religious liberty.”  So much for freedom of conscience, separation of Church and State AND Religious Liberty! WOW, a three for one special, thanks Mr. President!  But wait, there’s more, not only did this come as an announcement to the USCCB but Mr. President took it upon himself to CALL ARCHBISHOP DOLAN, yep you heard it right.  While all of this may seem depressing and sad, which it is.  Here is the response of the Archbishop of New York/USCCB President to “Final Rule” of the Department of Health and Human Services; 20 January 2012:

With the November 2012 elections soon approaching, this worries me even further.  The dissenting and indifferent Catholics in the voting booth have significantly contributed to putting the most anti-life president ever to occupy the Oval Office into power.  Oddly enough, he has surrounded himself with quasi-catholics like Pelosi and worse yet because of this most recent attack on the Catholic Church, Sebellius. My husband reminds me that Lenin used to refer to the Liberals in Western Europe and the United States, “useful fools!”  {Side note: The pejorative term “useful fools” or the harsher term “useful idiots” was attributed to Vladimir Lenin by American anti-communists to describe liberals during the Cold War whose policies…}- Oh, nothing has changed has it?

In all the darkness, can we see the light at the end of the tunnel? I can!  Yesterday I read Father Z’s blog post, Fr. Z applauds Card. Mahony (yes, you read that right), where he is congratulating Cardinal Mahony for speaking out regarding the most recent attack on the Catholic Church and our rights for religious liberty.  This got me thinking, could it be God’s hand in all of this?  Hear me out: I think that these current attack on religious liberty is God’s way to get the Bishops’ attention and shake them up a bit. This is the time for them to UNITE and stop all those with liberal agendas, those that allow the falling away from Church teaching, and the laissez-faire attitude about so much within the Church! In addition, I think it’s time to start excommunicating, or at the very minimum withholding Communion, from all those quasi-Catholics in politics who have helped Obama get to this point…God have mercy on their souls!

This week in my inbox I saw the newest from Michael Voris, WOW, I WAS right on the money did you see RealCatholicTV today?

Some good news now, {and I can’t believe I’m about to type these words}here is the FIRST National Catholic Reporter (whom Father Z tenderly refers to the “FishWrap”) that I like: J’ACCUSE! Why Obama is wrong on the HHS conscience regulations written by long-time Obama supporter, Michael Sean Winters.  In this article, Mr. Winters states, 

“President Barack Obama lost my vote yesterday when he declined to expand the exceedingly narrow conscience exemptions proposed by the Department of Health and Human Services. The issue of conscience protections is so foundational, I do not see how I ever could, in good conscience, vote for this man again.”

NOW you realize that?  {facepalm}  But as the forever optimist that I am, I see this and smile…thank you JESUS!  For waking these Catholics up to smell the coffee.

I’m so not a lover of politics, but since this if the first election I am voting in since becoming a US Citizen, and there is SO MUCH to wage here, I felt compelled to write this to remind you {and me} that our focus should be more on our interior life rather than the exterior on-goings of the world. Not that we should fall into complacency and not make our opinions known {heck, that’s what I’m doing right now}, but to truly conform our wills to a sanctuary of holiness, in prayer, in the interior life.  Even the harshest reprimand I’ve given to my children comes padded with love and charity towards him/her.

As Catholics we need to remember that the will of God prevails over mankind’s.  This does not mean we don’t have free will, but that His holy will is what moves the world.  Sometimes good comes from evil things that happen in the world, the focus must stay on the Cross at all times.  I have to keep reminding myself that our task here on Earth is to truly conform our wills to a sanctuary of holiness, in prayer, in the interior life.  After all, isn’t this what really matters?

Have you prayed for our country today?  Have you prayed for the elections?  Our next president? Friends in this battle for life and morality, our Rosaries and prayers are our BEST weapons!  I leave you with this, one of my most favorite prayers, even more so now, than ever!  Pray with me:
Saint Michael the Archangel,

defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host –
by the Divine Power of God –
cast into hell, satan and all the evil spirits,
who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.


‘”May prayer strengthen us for the spiritual battle we are told about in the Letter to the Ephesians: ‘Draw strength from the Lord and from His mighty power’ (Ephesians 6:10). The Book of Revelation refers to this same battle, recalling before our eyes the image of St. Michael the Archangel (Revelation 12:7). Pope Leo XIII certainly had a very vivid recollection of this scene when, at the end of the last century, he introduced a special prayer to St. Michael throughout the Church…I ask everyone not to forget it and to recite it to obtain help in the battle against forces of darkness and against the spirit of this world.”‘ ~ Blessed Pope John Paul II

Can. 227 The lay Christian faithful have the right to have recognized that freedom which all citizens have in the affairs of the earthly city. When using that same freedom, however, they are to take care that their actions are imbued with the spirit of the gospel and are to heed the doctrine set forth by the magisterium of the Church. In matters of opinion, moreover, they are to avoid setting forth their own opinion as the doctrine of the Church.

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Archbishop Dolan Addresses President Obama

Did you all get a chance to read Archbishop Dolan’s letter to President Obama regarding the threat of traditional marriage and that of religious freedom? Here is one of my favorite paragraphs:

“The Catholic Bishops stand ready to affirm every positive measure taken by you and your
Administration to strengthen marriage and the family.  We cannot be silent, however, when federal steps harmful to marriage, the laws defending it, and religious freedom continue apace.  Attached you will find an analysis prepared by my staff detailing the various executive activities of late that warrant our increasing apprehension.”

If you haven’t, please take a moment to read it. Once you do, please continue to pray for our dear Archbishop and his representation of Catholics in the United States. Also, take a moment to email him {} and thank him for standing up against this and let him know you are praying for him! Thank you!

Another great video by Michael Voris regarding this situation:

Lets keep praying Moms!

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