Category Archives: Blessed Virgin

Pius XII Defined the Dogma of the Assumption Ex Cathedra

In 1950, Venerable Pius XII defined the dogma of the Assumption Ex Cathedra. Since that day, the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary has been celebrated every 15th of August! This feast is also known as Marymass or Saint Mary’s Day and it is a Holy Day of Obligation (yes, you have to go to Mass). It is the day that we recall Our Lady’s being assumed into Heaven and crowned Queen!

“Nous proclamons, déclarons et définissons que c’est un dogme divinement révélé que Marie, l’Immaculée Mère de Dieu toujours Vierge, à la fin du cours de sa vie terrestre, a été élevée en âme et en corps à la gloire céleste.”  Proclamation dogmatique – 1er novembre de l’Année sainte 1950.

Here is the actual video of Venerable Pius XII:

Happy Feast Day!
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Notre Dame du Clerge, Our Lady of the Clergy

I saw this beautiful image of our Blessed Mother over at Father Z’s blog last night and I had to “borrow” her from him.  Isn’t she beautiful?  I’ve never heard of Our Lady of the Clergy, so a friend helped me out and we actually found a little prayer which I posted below.  Thought this would be a great prayer to add to our daily devotions for the priesthood, deacons, bishops, cardinals, and Pope Benedict XVI.  Enjoy:

A Prayer:
O Mary, Queen of the Clergy , You are the Mother of the Church, the queen of the missions, the ideal complete and attractive of all the ecclesiastical virtues, deign to sow, with a royal profusion, the grace of priestly vocations and missionaries the pure in heart of the first communicants, prepare yourself the souls of young Levites to dangerous functions of the sacred ministry, fill out the priests, your favorite son, the burning heat of an untiring zeal, and garnish the holiness and Science for their glorious mission.

O Virgin priestly you who are the protectress of the Catholic hierarchy, enlighten and fortify our bishops that they are the vigilant pastors and leaders training your people. – Expand your powerful protection of our Holy Father the Pope, so that a firm hand to guide and secure the boat of your Church, through the storms and convulsions of the modern world, to the port of eternity.

August Queen of heaven and earth, O divine thief of my heart, draw all souls to you and chaining them to your heart virginal by the unbreakable bond of love so pure and so enthusiastic that they no longer live that to love you and please you, now in the shadows of exile, and soon in the splendor of eternal homeland. So be it!

P. Ignatius Mary OFM Imprimatur: Fr Paulus, CP Metis, 16.6.1925. E. Emel, vic. gen. (F. Conrad, Metz)

If you find out more about her, please email me RaisingLittleSaints {at}, thank you!

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September 8th: Happy Birthday Mother Mary

“Thy Nativity, O Virgin Mother of God, 
Hath brought joy to the whole world!”

Today, September 8 we celebrate the birth of Mary,
Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth.

In Domenico Ghirlandaio’s 1490 fresco Birth of the Virgin (detail above) in Santa Maria Novella, Florence, Italy, St. Anne rests in bed while an attendant holds the newborn St. Mary and the donor’s daughter looks on. The inscription on the wall above is from the antiphon for this feast: “Nativitas tua, Dei Genitrix Virgo, / Gaudium annuntiavit universo mundo” (Thy Nativity, O Virgin Mother of God, / Hath brought joy to the whole world).

Here is a short video about the Celebration of the Nativity of Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth:

A prayer, from the Divine Office:

I leave you with a beautiful Meditation on the Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary {The History of the Liturgical Celebration of Mary’s Birth}.

Happy Birthday, blessed Mother!  We love you!

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!

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