Looking for guest writers

Are you a writer?

Are you a writer who’d be interested in doing a guest post or interview for our blog? If so, please contact us by e-mail at raisingLittleSaints {at} gmail {dot} com for details. We’d love to feature you on our blog! Can’t wait to hear from you!

Mama Erika

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Reviews & Giveaway Over at 3 Boys & a Dog


As you may already know, I am a contributor/reviewer over at Mama Kelli’s blog, 3 Boys & a Dog. Currently, there are a bunch of reviews and giveaways that she and the seven contributors have put together. I have two that I posted myself that I wanted to tell you about.:

1. Playtex Lil’ Gripper Training Cup, 1 winner, US/CAN {ends 6/20}

“Do you have a hard time finding the right cup for your little one? You know they tops don’t fit right or the cup can’t easily wash, or the tops (worse)! Sometimes finding the right cup for your toddler seems like a daunting task….it does lilgripper Review & Giveaway: Playtex First Lil Gripperme. After five kids I think I’ve tried every brand and style (no kidding). Here’s one I must confess, I really love! Why???

What I Love: First off, it is a great cup if your child is transitioning from either bottle or breast to cup, or like my little one, using it and still nursing. The next reason why”……[to read more and a chance to win one of these great training cups, go to 3 Boy & a Dog]

2. Rock N Learn Educational DVD Collections, 4 winners, US/CAN {ends 6/17}

I want my kids outside active but sometimes they need good things to watch on TV…okay I’m guilty I do use the tube as a sitter sometimes but with five kids I call it survival some days.  It does make me feel guilty sometimes and is probably why when it comes to what my kids watch on TV or DVD, I’m one picky Mama!  I’m always on the hunt for good DVDs to take in the van for a long ride or to use as a supplement in our homeschool.  So as I mom and teacher to these lovely kiddos, I have to tell you that I am mighty impressed with Rock N Learn!  ……[to read more and a chance to win one of 4 DVD Collections, go to 3 Boy & a Dog]

Many Blessings,
Mama Erika

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On July 15th, we will have an author, Eric D. Goodman, stop by to answer questions from his most recent book, Flightless Goose. I am working on a review for this book and questions for Eric. But on July 15th he will be visiting us here at RLS and anwering any questions you may have. In the meantime, you may want to check out the book’s Facebook Page to get a sneek-peek at what this great children’s book is all about. Of course, we will also be giving away a copy of the book to one lucky blessed RLS reader!  So please stay tuned. 
Mama Erika
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Promoting Vocations: Newly Ordained in North Carolina

Father Voitus

Two great reasons to celebrate in the state of North Carolina this past weekend.  In the Diocese of Charlotte, Bishop Jugis ordained Deacon Voitus and in the Diocese of Raleigh, Bishop Burbidge ordained Deacon Buckler into the priesthood!  Here’s a video of Father Voitus’s ordination:

Rev. Mr. Brendan Buckler.
(Photo from Diocesan website.)

 On Sunday, my family had the great pleasure of attending the First Mass of a newly ordained priest.  We drove a little way (about two and a half hours) to see it but it was truly worth the drive there and back.  The Solemn High Mass in the Extraordinary Form was heavenly to say the least.  There must have been about 20+ priests altogether, some Diocesan, some from orders like the Fraternity of Saint Peter (FSSP)Father Brendan Buckler was ordained just this past Saturday by Bishop Burbrige of the Diocese of Raleigh.  From their website:

“The Most Reverend Michael F. Burbidge will celebrate a Mass of Ordination to the Priesthood for Rev. Mr. Brendan Buckler, Saturday, June 4, 2011, at 10:00 a.m. at Sacred Heart Cathedral In Raleigh. Deacon Buckler, the son of Michael and Carol, graduated from Towson State University in Maryland in 2001. He entered the Diocesan formation program in 2003, completing a pastoral internship year at St. Thomas More Parish in Chapel Hill. In 2004, he attended seminary at Theological College in Washington, completing Philosophy studies. He reentered the formation program in 2007, completing his studies for the Priesthood at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia.

Last June, he was ordained to the Transitional Diaconate before returning for his final year at St. Charles. Bishop Burbidge has announced that upon ordination to the Priesthood, Deacon Buckler will be assigned as Parochial Vicar at St. Catherine of Siena in Wake Forest.”

Here is a video clip of then Deacon, now Father Buckler regarding his call to the priesthood and upcoming ordination:

My boys loved watching all the priests and seminarians before, during, and after Mass.  My six year old got especially excited when they all took a group photo just outside the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart.  He came running to me and smiled from ear to ear, “Mom, I can’t believe that one day I will be having my first Mass and taking a picture with all the guys at the steps of a Cathedral too!”  {mission accomplished, was what I thought, my eyes swelled up with tears to hear my little one utter those words}.  As soon as I find that picture I will post it on here!  🙂

Father Buckler’s First Mass Celebrated at Sacred Heart Cathedral in Raleigh
was done in the Extraordinary Form.  It was a Solemn High Mass.

Congratulations to Both Dioceses and to Fathers Buckler and Voitus!

Please join me in praying for these two Holy Men of God!:

By the late John J Cardinal Carberry
Keep them; I pray Thee, dearest Lord.
Keep them, for they are Thine
The priests whose lives burn out before
Thy consecrated shrine.
Keep them, for they are in the world,
Though from the world apart.
When earthly pleasures tempt, allure —
Shelter them in Thy heart.
Keep them and comfort them in hours
Of loneliness and pain,
When all their life of sacrifice
For souls seems but in vain.
Keep them and remember, Lord,
they have no one but Thee.
Yet, they have only human hearts,
With human frailty.
Keep them as spotless as the Host,
That daily they caress;
Their every thought and word and deed,
Deign, dearest Lord, to bless.

Want to learn more about the Extraordinary Form of the Mass?  Visit Father Z!  🙂

Mama Erika

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Circle of Moms: Vote For Us!

Circle of Moms has a category section.  One of the categories is Faith Blogs and with votes they make it to the Top 25 Faith Blogs.  I’ve been on there before voting for other blogs and never did it occur to me to add RLS their this list until the other day.  I saw Elizabeth Foss, another Catholic Mama Blogger, post something on Facebook that was a little borthersome disturbing to me. 

Under Faith Blogs, you have pagan and witch moms that have made it to the top 25!  SO…I voted for Elizabeth, then I saw that Lacy at Catholic Icing also added her blog.  I voted for her.  Then I added RLS.  So now we need your help!  You can visit Circle of Moms daily and vote for as many blogs available.  Vote for Raising {& Teaching} Little Saints:

Voting ends on Jun 8, 2011 at 5pm PST, so please help us spread the word!  Thank you!
Mama Erika
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