Voluntary Poverty, Lord Please Make Us Poor!

“Blessed are the poor in Spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven!”
~ Matthew 5:3

As Christmas came and went, what I wanted most this year was to really focus on Mary and the birth of Christ.  This has to have been the BEST Christmas I have every had, ever!  Was it because we had tons of gifts under the tree?  NO!  It was because I learned something, I learned about the deep peace that filled the soul of Mary in the stable at Bethlehem even if the conditions were, as we would think, less favorable.  If you followed me on this journey, you saw that I was reading the Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary by Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich.  In this book, we learn by divine revelation, that the Holy Family was not welcomed in several places during their journey, and not just once.  What stuck with me most, while reading these events, was that even though they were travelling for days, with Child, Mary’s joy and peace was never lost!

In the stable, I’m certain, that she was happy to be surrounded by the poor shepherds instead of a royal court!  The Queen of Heaven and Earth, the Mother of our Savior, was content with the harsh conditions she found herself in while doing the most important job any human could ever have done: bringing the Life of the World!  This is something I want to imitate – something that really stuck with me!  You see, she was happy in the poor conditions she found herself in, actually she was thrilled!  Something else that I learned in this book  is that Saint Anne was pretty well to do and that Saint Joseph and Mary lived with her.  Saint Anne had prepared the finest linens that you could have at the time for the birth of her grandson, Jesus Christ.  But much to Anne’s sadness, he would not be received in these fine linens.  Why? She accepted the Will of God, for one.  Also, she was not attached to worldly things, to earthly possessions, and she loved the deprivation of these.  So how can we, the poor, really think of ourselves as unfortunate when Jesus, himself, choose this similar life for His own mother?  The Son of God was born in a stable!  Have you ever really grasped this?  God could have been born ANYWHERE, anywhere, ANYWHERE, but he choose the poorest and meekest of all places!

This led me to think also think further about the Biblical passage: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven!” So what does this really mean?  To me, after reading the journey of the Holy Family and reflecting on my family’s earthly experience,  what these words mean is that, as poor people we must embrace our poverty.  To those who are rich (monetarily), you should  not be attached to your wealth, nor should you fill your home or mind of earthly possessions.

So therefore, this led me to yearn poverty: I do really want to be poor!  I do, I’m not kidding either!  The past four years of our lives have been a constant roller coaster filled with lay offs, and moving and financial instability.  Reflecting this time, I have to say that we have been happy, healthy, and holy the whole ride!  Thinking back of these past years, I am actually thankful for this ride that the Lord has sent us on.  Because of it: our marriage is stronger (we keep saying if we survived these past years, we can handle anything!), our children are happier, our home is simpler!  We are filled with joy and peace, Lord, please, make us poor!  🙂

Looking ahead, the future looks brighter and financially stable than it has been the past almost four years.  There is something which I’d like to not change in us:  I want to keep living and continue being focused on the important things in life – just like we have been when we have been the poorest in our lives.  Poor in wealth and material things of course.  Going forward and thinking of us getting back on our feet financially, I worry about becoming attached of things again.  I don’t want this for my family, but rather I yearn for simplicity and an orderly life.  

All around me I see when people become prosperous how they become attached to the things of this earth and then tend to forget Heaven.  Why?  I believe, that temptations become stronger, you fall more frequently, and you keep wanting more.  All of these things, dear friends, are harmful for the soul.  Notice that these are the things the world teaches to want, lust for, desire, and envy others for……ah, but remember and keep this in mind:  we are not of this world!  As Catholics, we belong to God, after all He is the one that gave us life!

Through all this the words of my beautiful grandmother, Mita, keep ringing in my ears.  As a small child, I remember her telling me (in Spanish): “There is no point in acquiring earthly possessions, because on the day you die, you can’t take these with you!  The only thing you take with is your virtues!  Poverty, being poor, offers many occasions for exercising these virtues – the things that matters most, the things that help you get to Heaven!” (I’m paraphrasing here)  Oh, she was so right!  I pray for her soul, daily, in hopes that she is in Heaven praying for me and my vocation.

So I pray, “Blessed Mother, by your example, you have taught me to love poverty, how much it is better for my soul and my vocation as a mother and wife than wealth.  Please continue to teach me going forward to love and set my mind and heart to Heavenly possessions.  Thank you, Blessed Mother, for your acceptance of the Divine Will of our Lord.

Dear Lord, thank you for giving us your Mother as the perfect example for our broken human nature.  Someone we can look to in becoming better people and loving and worshiping you always in thanksgiving, no matter the circumstance.”

Lord Please Make Us Poor!

Catholic Bloggers Network
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Novena to Our Lady Undoer of Knots – Day 9 – For the Priesthood

The petition:  For the protection of the Holy Priesthood of the Roman Catholic Church and especially all falsely accused priests. Will you join us? {Leave us a comment so we know who is joining us 🙂 }

Novena to Our Lady Undoer of Knots – Day 9

1. Make the sign of the cross.

2. Say the Act of Contrition. Ask pardon for your sins and make a firm promise not to commit them again.

“Oh my God I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee. I detest all my sins because I dread the loss of Heaven and the pains of Hell. But most of all, because I offended Thee, oh my God, who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen”

3. Say the first 3 decades of the Rosary.

4. Make the meditation of the day:

“Most Holy Mary, our Advocate, Undoer of Knots, we come today to thank you for undoing this knot in the lives of our holy priests…You know very well the suffering it has caused our priests. Thank you for coming, Mother, with your long fingers of mercy to dry the tears in their eyes; you receive them in your arms and make it possible for them to receive once again the divine grace.

Mary, Undoer of Knots, dearest Mother, we thank you for undoing the knots in the lives of our priests. Wrap them in your mantle of love, keep them under your protection, enlighten them with your peace! Amen.

Mary, Undoer of Knots, pray for our Holy Priests.”

5. Say the last 2 decades of the rosary

6. Finish with the Prayer to Our Lady the Undoer of Knots:

“Virgin Mary, Mother of fair love, Mother who never refuses to come to the aid of a child in need, Mother whose hands never cease to serve your beloved children because they are moved by the divine love and immense mercy that exists in your heart, cast your compassionate eyes upon your holy priests and see the snarl of knots that exist in their lives. You know very well how desperate they are, their pain and how they are bound by these knots. 

Mary, Mother to whom God entrusted the undoing of the knots in the lives of his children, we entrust into your hands the ribbon of their lives. 
No one, not even the Evil One himself, can take it away from your precious care. In your hands there is no knot that cannot be undone. 

Powerful Mother, by your grace and intercessory power with Your Son and Our Liberator, Jesus, take into your hands today this knot…we beg you to undo it for the glory of God, once for all, You are their hope. 

O my Lady, you are the only consolation God gives them, the fortification of their feeble strength, the enrichment of their destitution and with Christ the freedom from their chains. 

Hear our plea for our Holy Priests whom we love so much because they are Christ on earth. 
Keep them, guide them, protect them, o safe refuge!

Mary, Undoer of Knots, pray for them!


The Novena has the Cardinal ecclesiastical approval, receiving the “NIHIL OBSTAT and IMPRIMATUR
Imprimatur Paris Archdiocese
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Rafflecopter Launch Party Giveaway: Win an iPad & a Kindle Fire

This is a REAL giveaway, I’m sharing it to help spread the word (and if you win the iPad, I get a Kindle, so when you sign up, make sure you say that Raising Little Saints referred you), here are the details:
Happy New Year from Rafflecopter HQ! To start 2012, you’ll have a chance at winning an iPad2 or one of two Kindle Fires in what we’re calling the ‘Rafflecopter Launch Party Giveaway’!

Say ‘Hi’ To Rafflecopter: 

Rafflecopter makes the whole process of running giveaways on your blog really, really easy. Over 80,000 giveaways have been created with Rafflecopter, and if you didn’t know yet, there’s a new version in town! Oh yeah, it’s free. If you haven’t used Rafflecopter, sign up and launch a giveaway in the matter of minutes.

Now… Let’s Give Away Something Awesome!

To celebrate the new year, we’re going to give away a 16GB Apple iPad2 and several Kindle Fires. The giveaway starts Monday 1/9 at 12:01 a.m. and lasts for a month. To enter, simply tell us who referred you to this giveaway! You can receive additional entries by tweeting about this giveaway, following us on twitter, and giving us feedback. In addition, we’re doing something a little special to make things more fun:
Rafflecopter Giveaway Win an iPad or Amazon Kindle Fire Contest

Suggest a Mascot Name – You’ve seen the Rafflecopter smiley-face dude hanging around the web. The poor guy needs a name, and we want to leave it up to you to decide what his (or her?) name should be. For an additional entry, suggest a name! After the giveaway is over, we’ll go through the list of names and pick out our favorite suggestions (be creative!) and bring it to a vote on Facebook. If your name is chosen, you’ll win a Kindle Fire and be immortalized in Rafflecopter history 🙂

This giveaway is open for the US and Canadian residents and will close February 9th at 12:01 a.m. EST.

Thanks for sharing the love!!

* Be sure to say that Raising Little Saints referred you! *

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Novena to Our Lady Undoer of Knots – Day 8 – For the Priesthood

The petition:  For the protection of the Holy Priesthood of the Roman Catholic Church and especially all falsely accused priests. Will you join us? {Leave us a comment so we know who is joining us 🙂 }

Novena to Our Lady Undoer of Knots – Day 8

1. Make the sign of the cross.

2. Say the Act of Contrition. Ask pardon for your sins and make a firm promise not to commit them again.

“Oh my God I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee. I detest all my sins because I dread the loss of Heaven and the pains of Hell. But most of all, because I offended Thee, oh my God, who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen”

3. Say the first 3 decades of the Rosary.

4. Make the meditation of the day:

“Virgin Mother of God, overflowing with mercy, have mercy on your child and undo this knot…in the lives of our holy priests. We need your visit to their lives, like you visited Isabel. Bring them Jesus, bring them the Holy Spirit. Teach them to practice the virtues of courage, joyfulness, humility and faith, and, like Isabel, to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Make them joyfully rest on your bosom, Mary. We consecrate you as their mother, Queen and friend. We give you their heart and everything they have (their home and family, their material and spiritual goods.) They yours forever. Put your heart in them so that they can do everything Jesus tells them.
Mary, Undoer of Knots, pray for our Holy Priests.

Let us go, therefore, full of trust, to the throne of grace.”

5. Say the last 2 decades of the rosary

6. Finish with the Prayer to Our Lady the Undoer of Knots:

“Virgin Mary, Mother of fair love, Mother who never refuses to come to the aid of a child in need, Mother whose hands never cease to serve your beloved children because they are moved by the divine love and immense mercy that exists in your heart, cast your compassionate eyes upon your holy priests and see the snarl of knots that exist in their lives. You know very well how desperate they are, their pain and how they are bound by these knots. 

Mary, Mother to whom God entrusted the undoing of the knots in the lives of his children, we entrust into your hands the ribbon of their lives. 
No one, not even the Evil One himself, can take it away from your precious care. In your hands there is no knot that cannot be undone. 

Powerful Mother, by your grace and intercessory power with Your Son and Our Liberator, Jesus, take into your hands today this knot…we beg you to undo it for the glory of God, once for all, You are their hope. 

O my Lady, you are the only consolation God gives them, the fortification of their feeble strength, the enrichment of their destitution and with Christ the freedom from their chains. 

Hear our plea for our Holy Priests whom we love so much because they are Christ on earth. 
Keep them, guide them, protect them, o safe refuge!

Mary, Undoer of Knots, pray for them!


The Novena has the Cardinal ecclesiastical approval, receiving the “NIHIL OBSTAT and IMPRIMATUR
Imprimatur Paris Archdiocese
Thank you for following Raising (& Teaching) Little Saints! Visit us again soon!

Novena to Our Lady Undoer of Knots – Day 7 – For the Priesthood

The petition:  For the protection of the Holy Priesthood of the Roman Catholic Church and especially all falsely accused priests. Will you join us? {Leave us a comment so we know who is joining us 🙂 }

Novena to Our Lady Undoer of Knots – Day 7

1. Make the sign of the cross.

2. Say the Act of Contrition. Ask pardon for your sins and make a firm promise not to commit them again.

“Oh my God I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee. I detest all my sins because I dread the loss of Heaven and the pains of Hell. But most of all, because I offended Thee, oh my God, who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen”

3. Say the first 3 decades of the Rosary.

4. Make the meditation of the day:

” Mother Most Pure, We come to You today to beg you to undo this knot in the lives of our Holy Priests…and free them from the snares of Evil. God has granted you great power over all the demons. We renounce all of them today, every connection they have had with them and we proclaim Jesus as their one and only Lord and Savior. Mary, Undoer of Knots, crush the Evil One’s head and destroy the traps he has set for our priests by this knot. Thank you, dearest Mother. Most Precious Blood of Jesus, free them!

Mary, Undoer of Knots, pray for our Holy Priests.

You are the glory of Jerusalem, the joy of our people. “
5. Say the last 2 decades of the rosary

6. Finish with the Prayer to Our Lady the Undoer of Knots:“Virgin Mary, Mother of fair love, Mother who never refuses to come to the aid of a child in need, Mother whose hands never cease to serve your beloved children because they are moved by the divine love and immense mercy that exists in your heart, cast your compassionate eyes upon your holy priests and see the snarl of knots that exist in their lives. You know very well how desperate they are, their pain and how they are bound by these knots. 

Mary, Mother to whom God entrusted the undoing of the knots in the lives of his children, we entrust into your hands the ribbon of their lives. 
No one, not even the Evil One himself, can take it away from your precious care. In your hands there is no knot that cannot be undone. 

Powerful Mother, by your grace and intercessory power with Your Son and Our Liberator, Jesus, take into your hands today this knot…we beg you to undo it for the glory of God, once for all, You are their hope. 

O my Lady, you are the only consolation God gives them, the fortification of their feeble strength, the enrichment of their destitution and with Christ the freedom from their chains. 

Hear our plea for our Holy Priests whom we love so much because they are Christ on earth. 
Keep them, guide them, protect them, o safe refuge!

Mary, Undoer of Knots, pray for them!


The Novena has the Cardinal ecclesiastical approval, receiving the “NIHIL OBSTAT and IMPRIMATUR
Imprimatur Paris Archdiocese
Thank you for following Raising (& Teaching) Little Saints! Visit us again soon!

Strategies for Teaching Children at Home

My friend Allison over at Totus Tuus Family & Catholic Homeschool shared the news today on Facebook, that Laura Berquist author of Desinging a Classical Curriculum and director of Mother of Divine Grace School (MODG) now has a YouTube Channel!

Laura’s book Designing Your Own Classical Curriculum is one that every Catholic homeschool family should own. When I first decided to home educate my children, it was one of the first books I picked up and have used time and time again.  At MODG, their Catholic, Classical approach is designed to help others create the following (from their website):

  • Teaches the Child How to Think
  • Follows the Child’s Natural Stages of Learning
  • Tailors the Curriculum to the Child
  • Supports the Spiritual Formation of the Child
  • Allows the Parents to Play an Integral Role in Their Child’s Education
  • Provides Counseling and Tutorial Support

I grabbed one of her videos to share with you today, here she discusses different teaching strategies parents can use at home.  Enjoy!

Books by Laura Berquist:

The Harp and Laurel Wreath: Poetry and Dictation for the Classical Curriculum

Designing Your Own Classical Curriculum: A Guide to Catholic Home Education

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Novena to Our Lady Undoer of Knots – Day 6 – For the Priesthood

The petition:  For the protection of the Holy Priesthood of the Roman Catholic Church and especially all falsely accused priests. Will you join us? {Leave us a comment so we know who is joining us 🙂 }

Novena to Our Lady Undoer of Knots – Day 6

1. Make the sign of the cross.

2. Say the Act of Contrition. Ask pardon for your sins and make a firm promise not to commit them again.

“Oh my God I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee. I detest all my sins because I dread the loss of Heaven and the pains of Hell. But most of all, because I offended Thee, oh my God, who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen”

3. Say the first 3 decades of the Rosary.

4. Make the meditation of the day:

“Queen of Mercy, we entrust to you this knot in the lives of our most Holy Priests…and we ask you to give them a heart that is patient until you undo it. Teach them to persevere in the living word of Jesus, in the Eucharist, the Sacrament of Confession; stay with them and prepare their hearts to celebrate with the angels the grace that will be granted to them. Amen! Alleluia!

Mary, Undoer of Knots, pray for our Holy Priests.

You are beautiful, Mary, and there is no stain of sin in You. “

5. Say the last 2 decades of the rosary

6. Finish with the Prayer to Our Lady the Undoer of Knots:

“Virgin Mary, Mother of fair love, Mother who never refuses to come to the aid of a child in need, Mother whose hands never cease to serve your beloved children because they are moved by the divine love and immense mercy that exists in your heart, cast your compassionate eyes upon your holy priests and see the snarl of knots that exist in their lives. You know very well how desperate they are, their pain and how they are bound by these knots. 

Mary, Mother to whom God entrusted the undoing of the knots in the lives of his children, we entrust into your hands the ribbon of their lives. 
No one, not even the Evil One himself, can take it away from your precious care. In your hands there is no knot that cannot be undone. 

Powerful Mother, by your grace and intercessory power with Your Son and Our Liberator, Jesus, take into your hands today this knot…we beg you to undo it for the glory of God, once for all, You are their hope. 

O my Lady, you are the only consolation God gives them, the fortification of their feeble strength, the enrichment of their destitution and with Christ the freedom from their chains. 

Hear our plea for our Holy Priests whom we love so much because they are Christ on earth. 
Keep them, guide them, protect them, o safe refuge!

Mary, Undoer of Knots, pray for them!


The Novena has the Cardinal ecclesiastical approval, receiving the “NIHIL OBSTAT and IMPRIMATUR
Imprimatur Paris Archdiocese
Thank you for following Raising (& Teaching) Little Saints! Visit us again soon!

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