Category Archives: Uncategorized

Orchestra Set Up Printable Freebie

I have been working really hard (when my baby and toddler allow me time to) to complete a Notebooking set to study the Orchestra for  Fine Arts this year.

In honor of my newest project,  I am giving away this printable freebie in anticipation of the Orchestra notebooking pages I am finishing up!

Click on this link to go to my Shop and grab this freebie and while you are there check out other items I have set for free or as a Back to School Discount price!

Enjoy and stay tuned for this completed product!


50% OFF Summer Sale Extended

With our power going out yesterday, the day of our son’s ninth birthday, our plans to celebrate got changed quickly. We are still in celebration mode so I have decided to extend the 50% sale on my blog until this Sunday, August 6th, the code will work until 11:59pm! There were so many rushing in the last minute buying that I do not want anyone to miss out! The more hands can get these the happier this mama will be making sure people have access to it!

New Coupon code is RLSSummer50EXT

Time to get ready for the new school year!!


Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence: Father Jean Baptiste Saint-Jure

This excerpt comes from the book Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence by Fr. Jean Baptiste Saint-Jure & St. Claude de la Colombiere
“Nothing happens in the the universe without God willing and allowing it. This statement must he taken absolutely of everything with the exception of sin. ‘Nothing occurs by chance in the whole course of our lives’ is the unanimous teaching of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church, ‘and God intervenes everywhere.’

I am the Lord, He tells us Himself by the mouth of the prophet Isaias, and there is none else. I form light and create darkness; I make peace and create evil. I, the Lord, do all these things.1 It is I who bring both death and life, I who inflict wounds and heal them, He said to Moses.2 ‘The Lord killeth and maketh alive, it is written in the Canticle of Anna, the mother of Samuel, He bringeth down to the tomb and He bringeth back again; the Lord maketh poor and maketh rich, he humbleth and he exalteth.3 Shall there be evil (disaster, affliction) in a city which the Lord hath not done? 4 asks the prophet Amos: Good things and evil, life and death, poverty and riches are from God Solomon proclaims. 5 And so on in numerous other passages of Scripture.

Perhaps you will say that while this is true of certain necessary effects, like sickness, death, cold and heat, and other accidents due to natural causes which have no liberty of action, the same cannot be said in the case of things that result from the free will of man. For if, you will object, someone slanders me, robs me, strikes me, persecutes me, how can I attribute his conduct to the will of God who far from wishing me to be treated in such a manner, expressly forbids it? So the blame, you will conclude, can only be laid on the will of man, on his ignorance or malice. This is the defense behind which we try to shelter from God and excuse our lack of courage and submission.

It is quite useless for us to try and take advantage of this way of reasoning as an excuse for not surrendering to Providence. God Himself has refuted it and we must believe on His word that in events of this kind as in all others, nothing occurs except by His order and permission.”

Blessings and protection to you all,

Viva Cristo Rey y la Virgen de Guadalupe!

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First Communion Music Box (Review and Giveaway)

This past May, we had a very busy month, between Mother’s Day, First Confession, First Communion and a Confirmation as well as a visit from my mom, we were as busy as bees.  Finding the right gift for my boys was really important for me because I wanted something that when they looked at it it would capture that moment, that very special day when they received this Sacrament.  For my eldest that was simpler than for my First Communicant so I was very happy to review this First Communion Music Box for Catholic Family Gifts dot com.  As you can see it is very beautiful but what you can’t tell is the great quality this music box is. I was very impressed with it and my son was delighted to have a little “hiding place” for important items he wants to keep safe.  The fact that it plays the “Ave Maria” was also another reason I loved this gift for him.

Here is the item description from their website:
Keep memories for a lifetime in this music box from the renowned Cottage Garden collection. A timeless, versatile, quality gift featuring:
  • Quality Sankyo musical movement playing the melody “Ave Maria”; visible through a glass enclosure
  • A inspirational Communion blessing that can be replaced with a 4″x6″ photo
  • Hinged lid trimmed in detailed rope trim
  • A velvet lined interior for rosaries, keepsakes and other treasures.
  • A polished wood-grain finish

Constructed with precision and quality, this music box measures 8″L x 6″W x 2.75″H

Isn’t it beautiful?  We loved it!  If you would like to buy one click here: 
I am also giving one away to a lucky reader of RLS, please fill out the rafflecopter below: 
(you will be given a chance to select one of these music boxes, either the one above or this one below)
UPDATE:  PLEASE remember to leave a comment, that is the first entry and you MUST leave a comment for your entries to be valid.  Thank you.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thank you for following Raising (& Teaching) Little Saints! Visit us again soon!

Progress … is in the Eye of the Beholder

So much of today’s world is about progress.  As it relates to homeschooling, progress is easy to identify.  Your children are making progress towards the learning goals you have for the right now.  Or learning their prayers and how proficient they are at recitation, or intonation, or fervor.  Progress is an indicator of how far away or close you are to a goal, or set of goals.

In the world, though, and in the Catholic Church, the word is used almost daily but with an entirely different meaning.  What, for the world and for many Catholics does progress mean?

Whatever they want it to mean.

When someone says progress, I ask “to what?” and “what is your goal or goals?” Some act as if “progress” is this real and inevitable, yet almost mythic and invisible, creature.

Progress is movement towards your goals.
That’s it.

But for the worldly, it is an excuse to believe your ideas of the way things “ought” to be have an air of invincibility.  Conversely, for the worldly progressive, anything that opposes your ideas are “retrograde” “backsliding” “antiquated” or “outmoded.”

Take these different groups:

  • The radical Islamist
  • The post-modern, irreligious socialist
  • The traditional Catholic
  • The worldly humanitarian
  • The deep green population and climate advocate
  • The monied masonic type globalist
  • The ‘liberal’ Catholic
  • The libertine
  • The Marxist

All of these people have a definition of progress. They all see progress. They all want progress. None want the same thing, though, because progress is word with no meaning. Its a subjective adjective, not a noun. Choices are based on nouns. What you believe. What you decry. But if you have to speak in terms of choices instead of “progress” you then have to stop putting on the air of invincibility and start defending your beliefs and the choices you make based on your beliefs. That, for the ideologue, is a scary and unacceptable proposition.

The folly of progress is that almost anyone can show why one person’s progress, is another person’s regress.  And this is because…

Progress is an excuse to believe your ideas of the way things “ought to be” have an air of invincibility.

Evolution has been synonymous with progress. Men like Hegel, and Marx, and Hitler all identified progress with their understand of evolution and the choices and preferences they had. In that way, the modern world is still trapped by this thinking of the 19th century. Here again we have to ask, evolution is supposed to be progress, but to what?

If evolution does exist, it affects on an impossibly long timescale totally irrelevant to human existence. How trite that human beings who live at the outside a little over 100 years, would think evolution means ANYTHING to them in their lives in a universe “billions of years” old. Seeing changes in e-coli in a dish over weeks or months isn’t e-coli turning into a mammalian type bi-pod in a couple of years. Its still going to be some kind of e-coli.

Likewise, if evolution exists, it is an unguided process of change. You can try all sorts of Frankenstein experiments to further your concept of “evolution” with genetic modification and social engineering, but as soon as you touch the process, it isn’t evolution anymore. It’s manipulation and determinism.

Progress is an excuse to believe your ideas of the way things “ought to be” have an air of invincibility.

Humanity has accumulated knowledge and experience individually and as societies. Many then confuse that with progress. The difference between us and Abraham or David or Constantine or Napoleon or men like Richard Dawkins (a noted atheist) is that we’ve accumulated more knowledge, and have more history to draw from with more ideas to think about. Outside of that, we’re no different now than Joe Sheepherder 6000 or 7000 years ago.

We have communications. We have transportation systems. We have computers. We have many more tools and machinery. We have economy — the idea that someone can work on one thing or set of things instead of having to do everything themselves by subsistence. We have scientific process. We have many more philosophies to draw from. But we’re no different than the cave man 10000 years ago.

Progress is an excuse to believe your ideas of the way things “ought to be” have an air of invincibility.

The Roman Empire was thought to be the epitome and epoch culmination of power and culture. Many say the ancient Chinese were, or the Mayans, or great Ancient Egyptians. They all died. The western world, including the monied interests, socialists, atheistic rationalists, and power hungry in general think we have the concentration and culmination of power in today’s world, and it will only increase.

It’s folly. Even the monied interests with their trillions of dollars squirreled away in bank accounts and illiquid assets all over the world fail to grasp that they live and breath, and then die, with not so much as a wimper as the world is concerned.

Progress is an excuse to believe your ideas of the way things “ought to be” have an air of invincibility.

So progress really isn’t progress. If you have succumb to this mindset; stop acting like it is. Do not let other people tell you it is. If you push for your idea of progress, realize it is based on your choices. That doesn’t mean everyone’s ideas are merely relative, and all ideas are equal. It means you have to take a hard look at your choices, their consequences, your defense of them, and whether you believe they are the right thing to do.

If you are being pushed around by progress, realize it isn’t inevitable, isn’t real, and isn’t changeable. If someone champions change or rights or progress, and you don’t believe in it, start by making your mind think they are right, and tell them to shove their progress.

Progress is an excuse to believe your ideas of the way things “ought to be” have an air of invincibility.

I personally look around and think the demographics and financial trap we are in are going to make the western world grind down on itself over the course of the next 100 or 200 years. I think the world will be much more religious in 200 years, with less people of a completely different mindset, that look back at the 1800s-2000s with an air of contempt at the pride and stupidity of people that believed in “progress.”

Thank you for following Raising (& Teaching) Little Saints! Visit us again soon!

SHARE: First Communion Stories from Aquinas and More Catholic Goods

In case you haven’t heard of this:
First Communion Stories is pleased to announce its annual First Holy Communion Story contest once again!
  • From May 1- May 21, submit your unique story about your First Holy Communion.  Be sure to create an account and then send it in!
  • Your story can be as long or short as you would like. Here are a few, simple rules:
    1)   Be truthful
    2)  Talk about good things — this isn’t a place to rant about the lousy liturgy, etc
    3)  Enter tags for your city, year and church name so other people can browse stories from the same area.
    4)  For privacy reasons, please do not include last names in your story.
  • From May 22-May 29, you will have a chance to vote on your favorite First Holy Communion story.
  • Winners will be announced on May 31. 
Our lucky winner will receive a $100 gift card to our store, Aquinas and More Catholic Goods!
Two Runner-ups will each receive a $25.00 gift card to our store,Aquinas and More Catholic Goods.
Happy submitting!
Click here

Thank you for following Raising (& Teaching) Little Saints! Visit us again soon!

Photo Collage Maker Review & Giveaway

Like my cover photo on my FB timeline? 

I made it using Photo Collage Maker and I wrote a review for it and I’m giving away 20 free licenses for it…if you have TONS of kiddie pictures and want a quick way to create neat projects like this one, go and sign up to win! 🙂 Visit my review and giveaway on 3 Boys and a Dog.

Thank you for following Raising (& Teaching) Little Saints! Visit us again soon!

Holy Heroes Advent Adventure – Advent Adventure 2011

I’m so excited to share this with you.  A group of our friends here got together and did their Summer Adventure and it was AMAZING!!!!

Advent is just around the corner, ladies, here is the free registration link to Holy Heroes’s Advent Adventure:

Watch the short video for a glimpse of Holy Heroes Advent Adventure 2011!

Register for FREE now by clicking the registration button belowthis year’s Adventure starts just 2 weeks from today!
Never taken part in any of our “Adventures”? Here’s what you need to know:
Who should take part?
  • Children of coloring age (any skill level) up to about age 12
  • Families that want to learn more about Catholic Advent traditions and practices, saints, and Our Lord, Jesus Christ!
  • BUSY families whose Moms and Dads want to use Advent to prepare for Christmas
…but who get so BUSY that the prayer and preparation of Advent gets lost about Dec 9th or 10th …in the DELUGE of stuff that we parents need to do to make a great family Christmas Day…
  • Anyone with a computer with internet access–then click, watch, listen, and download from each day’s email (which is chock-full of fun and informative stuff)!
  • How much does it cost?
    • Zero
    • Zilch
    • Nada
    • It’s all FREE! Just open up our daily email and let your kids click, watch, listen, and download up to an hour’s worth of Catholic joy…while you can step away and get your own day started!
    What makes this Advent an extra-special Adventure?
    • The NEW MASS translation! We’ll teach you all the new responses, step-by-step!
    • You can get “certified”! We’ll show you how to earn a certificate * *with your name on it* * that proves you know the Mass!
    • You will SAVE $$$ on all our products! Every participant gets a discount code — re-useable again and again during the Advent and Christmas seasons — to save 15% (or more) on all our products!
    • We have special freebies and products and contests ONLY for “Adventurers”!Lots of fun for everyone!
    • All-new Glory Stories! And other new stuff! Yay!
    So, register NOW with the button below!
    May God bless you and yours,
    Your Adventure Guides: Virginia, Clara, Margaret, Trey, Anna, Therese, Lillian, and Caroline

    Advent Adventure Sign UpIt’s time to sign up for Advent Adventure!
    If you are new to Advent Adventure, click the button to add Advent Adventure to your Holy Heroes email subscriptions profile.
    If you received the Advent Adventure emails in 2010, you are automatically signed up for AA 2011.

    PS PLEASE FORWARD (please!) this to your family and friends so they can sign up now, too! Holy Heroes Advent Adventure is only 14 days away!

    Thank you for following Raising (& Teaching) Little Saints! Visit us again soon!