Category Archives: Top 10 Most Visited Posts in 2011

Top Ten Most Visited RLS Posts in 2011

As the end of 2011 approached and I reflected upon the past year I wanted to set some goals for this blog.  To do so, as you would do in life, you look back and reflect on what happened.  With this in mind I wanted to see what YOU were interested in the most in 2011 to see what our audience is actually interested in vs. what I think you are interested in, lol.  If you have and use Google Analytics, then this is a pretty easy thing to do.  Now these posted were not necessarily written in 2011, they were just he ones that were most popular in this past year.  I will, however, have a separate post for just written in 2011, since our audience increased significantly this past year.  So here are the Top Ten Most Visited Raising {& Teaching}Little Saints Posts in 2011:

and the MOST visited blog post in 2011 is…

#1: Lent is Here! Activities for Children

Thank you all for visiting our blog in 2011, we look forward to serving you better this next year!  Stay tuned for more FREE printable goodies (and link ups to celebrate the Liturgical year).  
Thank you for following Raising (& Teaching) Little Saints! Visit us again soon!