Category Archives: respect life

Welcoming Autumn and Loving Life

I hadn’t realized this but, October is really a busy month!
The trees are busy changing colors and dropping leaves.
The weather is busy getting cooler is some parts of the world.
People are starting to decorate their homes with Mums in warm colors like orange, reds, yellows and browns.
It’s the Month dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary.
Also Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
{just, think before you pink as Komen supports Planned Parenthood who is pro-abortion}
It is also ProLife Month.
Found this image on
Our family loves the Autumn season!  Sweaters come out and it’s (like my seven year old calls it): “Hot chocolate season!”  The awesome scent of soups and baked bread fills the house.  The air gets crisp and the smell of burning wood fills the air from running fireplaces.  It’s my favorite season!  I also love decorating the front of the house with Fall items like potted Mums and big, fat, orange pumpkins!  My kids and I also watch for the return of many little creatures big and small that resurface after being super busy all summer with their little ones, teaching them how to fly, hunt, gather – we love nature.  
We noticed that the Robins are back for a visit.

At our home we normally do not carve pumpkins nor decorate with witches and ghosts; it just doesn’t match the rest of our beliefs and what we work so hard to teach the kids but instead like to focus on the beauty that God has given us, nature and what matters the most, LIFE!  October is ProLife Month and I wanted to share that with the world (okay maybe not the world but my neighbors will be enough), so I was reconsidering the whole pumpkin carving idea.  I have secretly loved these and have been collecting these pictures for the past three years (my apologies for those artists that created them as I didn’t keep track of where I found them since I never thought it’d blog about it.)  I totally love the the idea of incorporating the Fall pumpkins and the Pro-Life message!  So here are some that I have found and plan on possibly trying out this year for a first time.  I have created templates for all of them except the middle one.  Click here for the Prolife Pumpkin Templates.  Enjoy!:

Baby in the womb with a heart.
A mother with her baby.
(or as my 4 year old said, “Mary with baby Jesus”)
“Occupy the Womb” with a baby sucking his thumb.
This is one of my favorite ones.  Baby in the womb.
Holding a new born baby.
Many blessings from our family to yours this Fall season!
Click here for the Prolife Pumpkin Templates.
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I am Pro-Choice!

I remember the day as if it were yesterday.  As I stood there in the bathroom waiting in anticipation for the little lines to show up (or not).  Never had a small instrument meant so much excitement, fear, and anticipation all in just what? five minutes than this day.  I’ve used many of these little objects before, six times that I can remember, but this time for some reason, it meant more.  The joy of seeing those lines filled my heart quickly….and there they were…two lines = you are pregnant.  Since my previous experiences with this I knew that a positive meant positive, no way in it being an error (yes I actually asked my OB in the past, lol, silly me).  So there I was in our hallway bathroom which was adorned with little duckies, happy as can be.  This happiness lasted about another five minutes…as I planned the craftiest way to announce to my beloved that we would be holding a baby in just a couple of months.  Then it dawned on me…my beloved was an only child…now to face the rest of the family *sigh*. 

Although our family knows we wear our Catholicism on our sleeves, when it comes to announcing yet “another pregnancy” we look at it with fear.  Mainly because of the reactions we have received from family and close friends.  You see when those two little pink lines showed up, it had been nearly two years that my beloved had been layed off a third time AND this would be our fifth child!  Trusting in the Lord’s Divine Providence, we saw this new life as a sign of sorts, that things would be looking better for us financially in the near future.  After all we did openly trust that His will be done in our lives, especially in the reproduction department.  AND we had “survived” the worse times thus far, why would a baby be a cause of worry or sadness?

You see, just seven years prior to sitting in our hallway bathroom, I had had my second known miscarriage and felt sad and confused.  My first pregnancy was perfect, I even delivered on my due date, St. Valentine’s Day.  BUT for some reason these two pregnancies did not last and I was at a loss as to why I had been given the chance to be procreative then to only know those littles ones I now call Pablo and Eric for a couple of short weeks (12 and 14, respectively).  After many tests and investigations, I was told my my doctor that my body was, for some reason, rejecting the babies.  Strange…I thought, how could I have one and then this?  Confused, I decided to follow doctors orders and begin treatment for a symptom called Polysistic Ovarian Disease (PCOS), an endocrine disorder.  “You will probably have a difficult time conceiving, and if you do chances are you will miscarry as your hormones are all off balance,” this lovely man said to me.  I loved my doctor but not his news.  Todd and I wanted a big family, we longed to have one as we had grown up around large families at the Latin Masses we attended.  After some months of treatment, we ended up pregnant – oh my!  I was watched under a microscope during this time and with the help of St. Gerard, our Blessed Mother and countless of prayers and trips to the ER or Triage, we made it to our 40th week!  It was during this time that we promised the Lord to ALWAYS be open to life. 

“Lord if you heal me, I will always want any and all the children you send me,” I prayed repeatedly while pregnant with our sweet son.  “Please let our baby live!”, I begged.  St. Joseph was my constant intercessor as well.  “Dear St. Joseph protector of the Holy Family, protect our little baby ask your son for His everlasting protection!”  These holy warriors in Heaven heard my begging and in February of 2005, our little one was born, baby number two.  That all seems so long ago!  But the question remained, was I healed?  Blind trust kicked in and we decided I would no longer take the medications I had been on (especially since I was nursing), because we believed that through the intercession of so many, I indeed had been healed.

Six months later, SURPRISE, I was pregnant again {yes I was nursing and continued for another six months against my OB’s wishes}.  I wanted to be excited but I was more nervous than anything else.  

How was the pregnancy?  Perfect!  Without a problem!  A couple of months later we were holding a little ball of pink, yep we had our girl!  Two boys and a girl, three kids.  

“Your family is now complete!”  “You have one of each!”  “You must be done now?”  Where the comments I got.  

Hmmmm…what to answer?  I’ve never been in this dilema…because we wanted more!  But not to be selfish or ungrateful, we said nothing.  

“Maybe,” became my standard response to these very unsolicited comments.  Somehow, we managed to spend a year without a pregnancy {she nursed until 18 months}.  Secretly, my beloved and I remained faithful to our promise to our Lord.  Afterall, clearly I had been healed.  I had symptoms of PCOS anymore and stopped taking all medication for over two years now.

One more time, we went through the whole anticipation of what would happen next.  The “Doubting Thomas” in me kicked in and I thought maybe that our little princess was it.  One morning, as I was getting ready for work {I was teaching at a Catholic School at the time}, I went to brush my teeth and gagged. Hmmmm….interesting I thought.  Could it really be?  And sure enough it was, we were expecting our fourth child!  The news broke and the replies were filled with a little less excitement this time.  The negative comments began such as, “wow, you were serious about a large family because four kids is A LOT!” (if they only knew that in our close friend circles we were always the smallest family).  As my baby bump grew significantly, these comments increased.  It was like we were a magnet for strangers approaching us as they saw us turn the corner with three children and another on the way.  I went from feeling hurt, to angry, to smart-alack, to hurt again, at these constant questioning and comments, all very negative.  Was it the city we lived in? the culture in that city?  the state? Or was it bigger than this?  I mean, aren’t we in a society that hard presses on the woman’s right to choose?  

Interesting enough, if you choose life (and lots of it) there is a problem, society at large has a problem with this…why, I ask?  If the tendency of many is to promote and value the choice of a woman, why is it when a husband and a wife chooses to keep a child and have many you are then chastised or belittled and in public by many strangers?  This tells me one thing, this IS NOT about choice.  This is about limiting you, imposing their beliefs on you.  Why would I want that?  Why is it that in a society that promotes the empowerment of women BUT when women chose life, to have a large family – you are no longer looked up to as strong and courageous?  You know the one thing that God has selected for ONLY women to do, and when you choose to have children, it is frowned upon?  Why is that?  What’s with the double standards?  

So what does choice REALLY mean? 

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unPlanned by Abby Johnson {Book Review & Giveaway}

I’m sure you’ve heard of Abby Johnson’s new book unPlanned, but have you had a chance to get your hands on it and curl up with it reading her amazing story?  I first blogged about it back in January, 2011 on Raising Little Saints, before I had a chance to read it.

Abby Johnson was a college student when she first got involved with Planned Parenthood and she spent many years moving up the ranks within this organization from volunteer to Director of a clinic.  In this book she shares her journey from believing she was doing the best for women by being part of this organization to having her eyes opened to the sad realities of Planned Parenthood!

From the book description:

“Abby Johnson quit her job in October 2009. That simple act became a national news story because Abby was director of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Texas who, not long after assisting in an actual abortion procedure for the first time, cross the line to join the Coalition for Life.

What happened in that clinic to cause this Planned Parenthood leader and Employee of the Year to take such drastic action? And how did Planned Parenthood react to her abrupt departure?

Join Abby as she reveals her full story for the first time in Unplanned:a heart-stopping personal drama of life-and-death encounters, a courtroom battle, and spiritual transformation. Abby’s unique vantage point from both sides of the abortion clinic property line shines light and compassion into the political controversy that surrounds this issue.

For anyone who cares about the life-versus-rights debate and helping women who face crisis pregnancies, Unplanned is a must-read.”

After reading her amazing story, all I kept thinking of was how amazing it is that the Lord uses others to open our eyes to things that we are so wrong about.  Also, just how important it is for us Catholics to stand firm on our pro-life beliefs and to not be afraid.  We are here to allow the Lord to work through us and you just never know when someone’s heart will soften and their eyes and ears will open to the horrid truths of abortion.

This past Sunday, my family participated at the local Life Chain, it was done on a main road near a very busy mall (this road is always conjested no matter what time of day you drive by).  My entire family was there helping out by holding signs and praying for the end of abortion.  One lady drove by and screamed out the window of her dark blue sadan, “you would be doing more good for this world if you were picking up garbage instead!”  Straight out of my mouth came the words, without even thinking, “God bless you and heal you!”  Later in talking with friends they helped me realize that a lot of the people that shout back at you and are apprehensive towards pro-lifers feel guilty deep down inside for having had abortions or pressuring someone to have one.  One in four women have had an abortion in the United States…that is amazing to me.  Which makes me wonder and think about lots of my own high school friends who are child-less not by choice.  They have never been able to have a child and now nearing 40 they can’t have one, how many of them have had an abortion in their youth, I wonder?  Or used birth control for years and years, tricking their bodies and then attempt to conceive.  I pray for them all the time.

I am very excited to have read this book by Abby Johnson!  To see that the Lord heals and converts hearts to those that are involved even to the deepest level with abortion!  The Lord is so good to us and forgives us for our faults, after all this is why He died for us.  What is even more exciting is that I get to meet Abby Johnson this month!  She will be a key note speaker at a local banquet that my husband and I will be at.  It will be such a great honor to be in the same room as Abby, not because I see her as a star of some sort but mainly because I am so impressed and proud of her courage!  This is the courage that the Lord speaks about – to stand up for what we believe and not be afraid.

I highly recommend unPlanned by Abby Johnson!  I received a copy of this book as part of the Catholic Company review team but I also got a second copy from a friend and I want to share it with one of my readers!  🙂  So yes, I am doing my own give away of unPlanned!  Here is what you need to do:

Don’t want to wait for the giveaway to end and want to just buy the book?  Go to The Catholic Company and buy it today!

Best wishes to the winner!

Fine print: I received a free copy of this book from The Catholic Company for my unbiased opinion of this book. This free book does not affect my review.  This review was written as part of the Catholic book reviewer program from The Catholic Company. Visit The Catholic Company to find more information on Unplanned. They are also a great source for a Catechism of the Catholic Church or a Catholic Bible.

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Baby’s All Grown Up Now

We are going home (wireless)!

 We had our first Co-Op day this past Monday and I was assigned to the Nursery the first hour.  My four older kids got to go to enrichment classes while the “baby” and I went to our first assignment.  In the nursery, Dominic and I are joined by five babies (the real ones) ages 3 months to 11 months and three other toddlers (okay our “baby” is really in this category).  Dominic went straight to playing while the mommies watched them and the little babies in the room.  I got to hold two of the babies while in the room and made me realize just how big Dominic had gotten in such a short time, just 16 months.  The smell of a new baby is just totally priceless – yummy!  All of a sudden, it made me realize just how much I yearned for another little blessing in our home (but he/she needs to come with a passenger van as we have maxed out our Mazda, lol).

Finally going home!  I was one happy Mama!

Then the biggest reminder that our Dominic is getting bigger hit me when we had to do some cleaning up and putting away.  It makes me sad because of the fact that our little baby is all grown up now (sorta) and because of the excitement I felt when Todd brought all the newborn baby gadgets up from the basement just a year or so ago.  The baby walker was one of the items that made me realize just how big our baby was and how quickly he started walking…then running!  To think back of those 10 days he was in the NICU, which seemed endless then, seems like such a speck now.  Didn’t he just start crawling the other day?  Didn’t his first foods and steps just happen?  Where did the time go so fast? While I know he is still very little at only 16 months, it just seems like too much has happened already, and to think there is so much more to do…lol.

He is a true joy in our lives, the perfect number five as we call him.  He just fits in with our little family so well, it’s amazing!  “He is content in his own skin,” my husband says of him all the time.  This is so true, he is a happy and lovable little one.  Which makes me be thankful to God that everything turned out okay and his labor scare was just that…and that God is always in control and taking care of us!  (His labor went from everything’s perfect to a prolapsed cord in about 5 minutes…rush to a C-Section….NICU for 10 days…glow-worm baby w/ Jaundice) rocked my world from day one!)

Proud big brother, Josef, gets to hold the glow-worm Baby!
Only a couple of months old.   

Dominic at 16 months.

We love our little guy so much…but I think we are ready for another baby.  I’m not getting any younger, in less than four months I will be turning 38, and conception has not been so easy all the time for us.  So please keep us in your prayers as we ask the Lord to bless us with another little bundle of joy – or maybe two (twins do run in both families, lol).

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unPlanned Book…have you heard?

Have you heard? Abby Johnson, ex-director of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Texas has written a book about her journey away from the horrors of abortion (and it’s industry) to becoming a defender for the unborn! Her new book titled unPlanned is the “dramatic true story of a former Planner Parenthood Leader’s eye-opening journey across the life line.” This is the description from the book:

“Abby Johnson quit her job in October 2009. That simple act became a national news story because Abby was the director of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Texas who, after participating in her first actual abortion procedure, walked across the road to join the Coalition for Life.

Unplanned is a heart-stopping personal drama of life-and-death encounters, a courtroom battle, and spiritual transformation that speaks hope and compassion into the political controversy that surrounds this issue. Telling Abby’s story from both sides of the abortion clinic property line, this book is a must-read for anyone who cares about the life versus rights debate and helping women who face crisis pregnancies.”

The book has a foreword by Father Frank Pavone from Priests for Life and the introduction was written by the director of 40 Days for Life, David Bereit. This book is getting a lot of attention (from both sides)…for those of you some way involved in 40 Days for Life (like I am), it’s a must read! I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy myself!

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40 Days for Life – Are You Ready?

One of the best things about being Catholic is being 100% Pro-Life! To me it’s part of being a Disciple of Christ, I stand firm on defending LIFE because, well, Jesus died on the Cross so that we may have it and abundantly! I recently received an e-mail from a good friend, Toni, who runs the 40 Days of Life local campaign. The new campaign to pray for the un-born is right around the corner. My kids love going and participating (not as often as I’d like but a couple of times is good since they are still small) by holding signs and praying the Rosary. From September 22 through October 31, you get a chance to get involved in this beautiful event. In addition, if you go to the Saint Michael the Archangel site, you can register to pray a Novena for the un-born.

This little video should inspire everyone to participate:

Here are some great projects for families who get their kids involved in 40 Days for Life!

Check them out:

There is also a super cute game:

and other pro-life printables and activities:

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Two Priests Who tell it like it is!

If you ask my DH who my most favorite priest in the US is, he would say two names: 1. Father Euteneuer (HLI) and 2. Father Corapi! Fathers Euteneuer and Fr. Corapi, I’ve never met but would love to! I subscribe to Father Euteneuer’s newletter and love how straight forward he is about the whole situation in America (and the world) regarding humanity’s disdain for life!

Father Corapi is amazing! I’ve blogged about him in the past and I have almost all of his retreats and/or converences recorded on my DVR at home (I think I might have over 30 hours recorded!). I love both of these priests for many reasons but mainly because they tell it like it is! They are not afraid to speak up and truly preach the Gospel!! They, in my eyes, remind me the most of Christ! I’m certain there are tons of priests out there just like them, these are just the two that are my most favorite!

Father Corapi will be at a Conference in Cincinatti coming soon on July 17th. At this conference he will be speaking about something that will touch lots of nerves with people, secular and Church: social teachings of the Catholic Church. Father Euteneuer will emcee this event as well and I WANT TO BE THERE! So why is this conference stirring things up all over the place? Here is an article at the National Catholic Register by Danielle Bean (a great Catholic mother and wife – she’s got 8 kiddos and the editor of Faith and Family Magazine!) article on the whole situation.

Here’s some information on the conference:

To order tickets go here!

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Debating Life Issues: A Resource for Every Catholic

Cut to the chase and get the facts now! This is a great resource to get up to date facts on the Pro-Life issue which is part of why we call our selves, C-A-T-H-O-L-I-C!!! I haven’t finished reading them all but I wanted to pass them along for everyone to see. Enjoy!
(click on the box below)

What you will find in this link of Pro-Life Talking Points:

  • Pro-Life Violence: Setting the Record Straight
  • Why Women Abort
  • The Abuse of Population Control
  • Negative Effects of the Pill
  • Does Welfare Reduce Abortion?
  • Condoms
  • Fetal Development
  • Men & Abortions
  • Maternal Deaths
  • Obama vs. Life I: Before the Elections

“The Pro-Life Talking Points series is meant to provide pro-life activists with clear and concise information with which to argue against common misinformation they will encounter while debating life issues. ” – Human Life International website

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