Category Archives: prolife

Welcoming Autumn and Loving Life

I hadn’t realized this but, October is really a busy month!
The trees are busy changing colors and dropping leaves.
The weather is busy getting cooler is some parts of the world.
People are starting to decorate their homes with Mums in warm colors like orange, reds, yellows and browns.
It’s the Month dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary.
Also Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
{just, think before you pink as Komen supports Planned Parenthood who is pro-abortion}
It is also ProLife Month.
Found this image on
Our family loves the Autumn season!  Sweaters come out and it’s (like my seven year old calls it): “Hot chocolate season!”  The awesome scent of soups and baked bread fills the house.  The air gets crisp and the smell of burning wood fills the air from running fireplaces.  It’s my favorite season!  I also love decorating the front of the house with Fall items like potted Mums and big, fat, orange pumpkins!  My kids and I also watch for the return of many little creatures big and small that resurface after being super busy all summer with their little ones, teaching them how to fly, hunt, gather – we love nature.  
We noticed that the Robins are back for a visit.

At our home we normally do not carve pumpkins nor decorate with witches and ghosts; it just doesn’t match the rest of our beliefs and what we work so hard to teach the kids but instead like to focus on the beauty that God has given us, nature and what matters the most, LIFE!  October is ProLife Month and I wanted to share that with the world (okay maybe not the world but my neighbors will be enough), so I was reconsidering the whole pumpkin carving idea.  I have secretly loved these and have been collecting these pictures for the past three years (my apologies for those artists that created them as I didn’t keep track of where I found them since I never thought it’d blog about it.)  I totally love the the idea of incorporating the Fall pumpkins and the Pro-Life message!  So here are some that I have found and plan on possibly trying out this year for a first time.  I have created templates for all of them except the middle one.  Click here for the Prolife Pumpkin Templates.  Enjoy!:

Baby in the womb with a heart.
A mother with her baby.
(or as my 4 year old said, “Mary with baby Jesus”)
“Occupy the Womb” with a baby sucking his thumb.
This is one of my favorite ones.  Baby in the womb.
Holding a new born baby.
Many blessings from our family to yours this Fall season!
Click here for the Prolife Pumpkin Templates.
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When Does Life Begin?


The Virginia House approves bill: 

Life begins at conception!
Yes you read that correctly. 

“The Republican-led Virginia House of Delegates passed a bill today, by a vote of 66 to 32, which states that unborn children “at every stage of development,” that is, from the moment of conception, are considered persons – although the sponsor of the bill says it will not directly affect abortion access in the state.” ~ Thaddeus Baklinski of

Similar personhood legislation introduced by delegate who introduced it, Robert G. Marshall (R-Prince William), in 2007. Then it failed to pass in the House. But he doesn’t give up! In 2011 the bill passed in the House but was quashed by the pro-abortion Democrats in the Senate.

The bill, entitled HB 1 states that: “unborn children at every stage of development enjoy all the rights, privileges, and immunities available to other persons, citizens, and residents of the commonwealth, subject only to the laws and constitutions of Virginia and the United States, precedents of the United States Supreme Court, and provisions to the contrary in the statutes of the commonwealth.”

I’m so happy for the state of Virginia!  But it doesn’t end there….the bill now heads to the Virginia Senate where it reportedly faces a more difficult battle. Please keep them in your prayers! 🙂

The full text of Bill HB 1 is available here.

Please show this brave man your support::

Delegate Robert G. Marshall
General Assembly Building
P.O. Box 406
Richmond, Virginia 23218
Phone: (804) 698-1013
Fax: (804) 698-6713

So you know what the usual liberal agenda is going to say about this right? Yeah, you know…I don’t need to waster internet space on that. I don’t even bother looking at their comments anymore, it’s the same illogical comments or hateful ones as well. I did however come across an image on Facebook that well, it was, well, see for yourself:

I have no idea where this picture is from or who created it, I only see the name OzzyAmos in the bottom right corner, so I’m assuming it’s a guy. Notice that the poster only shows fetal development through the first week or so? They don’t show an embryo at three weeks… when the heart is already beating. They’ve now sunk to, “well, if we kill it right away it isn’t a person… even though it has unique DNA from conception.” Pathetic.

Here’s a BETTER, a more scientific, approach to this basic Biological issue:

Protect the unborn!  If you have trouble with this and still think it’s a “blob” just think for a moment of the Eagle or a Sea Turtle egg.  There is a possibility of a bird or a turtle coming out of that egg, you can’t see it with your bare eyes, well if you put it up to a light you can (kinda like an ultrasound), you will see the fetus forming.  A human can only be a human, nothing else.  Are you a visual learner like me?  Here:

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Hands off my body!

I’ve told you before, I am pro-choice.  

“Let’s get one thing clear about the debate. NO ONE has the right to tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body. “Hands off my body” is the rule we need to operate on when it comes to the health and well-being of every living woman. She gets to choose medical procedures for her own body.”

I just ask one thing, if you KNOW scientifically a unique Human’s DNA is created at conception (this potential baby already has predetermined hair color, eye color, features, etc.), and then at only 22 days after conception his/her heart starts beating, BEFORE most women even know they are pregnant!

  • At week three you see eyes and ears. 
  • Week 6, fingers and toes. 
  • Week 7: Baby’s head develops. 
  • Week 8: Baby’s eyes are visible. 
  • Week 9: Baby’s toes form. 
  • Week 10: Baby’s neck begins to develop 
  • By week 11 she/he can smile and frown AND genitals develop. YEP as early as week 11 (about 2 months), we can see if a boy or girl (but harder to see of course). 
  • Week 12: Baby’s fingernails develop. That is ONLY first trimester. 

I didn’t make this up, I found all these details on the Mayo Clinic website. Interesting enough, at week 6 they stop calling it a fetus and switch to calling it a baby! WHY? “Just four weeks after conception, the neural tube along your baby’s back is closing and your baby’s heart is pumping blood.” HMMMM….heart is beating…

Why would anyone think it’s okay to kill that life (call it a baby or a fetus, I don’t care). Biologically speaking only…alive means one thing = life. Why would it be OKAY for anyone to kill? Just because you can’t see that life? Just because the fetus can’t live outside of the womb? Killing is killing no matter how you put it. No matter how popular it is.  For those that say this is a religious perspective, no, this is not about a Bible this is very simple it’s simple Biology.

Still not convinced?  Watch this video and see people finish this sentence, “Killing a baby in the womb is okay when…”

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Thou shalt not kill: Innocent human life vs. Guilty human life.

“Thou shalt not kill” in English, in Exodus 20:13, is most accurately translated from the Hebrew as, “Thou shalt never directly kill an innocent person.” Not generally “thou shalt not kill.” The Hebrew word used here is thrtzch, which specifically refers to a premeditated, deliberate act by an individual to kill an innocent person.

We humans alone, of all of the inhabitants of the Earth, are sacred.

You are a person, and thus have a right to live.

You have a right to be born.


  1. Your nature.
  2. Your origin.
  3. Your destination.

If life is happenstance, a ghoulish random mixture of amino acids and lightening and comet dust, then you are no more sacred than a dog or tree or any other living thing. But God gave you your nature in a way not happenstance or random. You are not arrogant; you are aware. You have reason. You are free with self-consciousness, able to love in a real way, to think, to pray; to act.

So He gives you your nature, and that makes you sacred.

You are beget from your mother and father, but you are you because of you. God has a one to one relation with you. He Personally invested you with your rationale soul. He is what makes me ME, and you YOU. He knows you because He made you YOU, and not merely the byproduct of your mother and father’s genes.

So He is your origin, and that makes you sacred.

You are immortal. Your body will die, but you will never, ever die. Earth will fall away, and all shall pass, but your soul will never die. You will be eternally with Him, or eternally without Him, but your are eternal regardless.

So He is your destination, and that makes you sacred.

I understand why a person would want the death penalty to stop, or want only just wars, but the principle involved is innocence. The death penalty must be just, and kill the guilty. If a person, or a country, is an unjust aggressor, then we have a right to shoot or kill soldiers of an aggressor, and we have a duty to fight wickedness.

So I will close with a constant thought of Dr. Deitrich von Hildebrand: Amoralism is worse than immoralism. Amoralism is indifference. It is lukewarmness. It is vomited out by God. Point out morality. Stand for morals. Stand for truth. Fight relativism and indifference. If you meet amoralism, fight it. Make the person mad if necessary, because when you are indifferent, you are immovable.

God is Truth. Stand for God, and fight amoralism and indifference.

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What OUR TV Stations Failed to Report

This year, on the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, this is what the White House had to say:

The White HouseOffice of the Press SecretaryFor Immediate Release January 22, 2012Statement by the President on Roe v. Wade AnniversaryAs we mark the 39th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, we must remember that this Supreme Court decision not only protects a woman’s health and reproductive freedom, but also affirms a broader principle: that government should not intrude on private family matters. I remain committed to protecting a woman’s right to choose and this fundamental constitutional right. While this is a sensitive and often divisive issue- no matter what our views, we must stay united in our determination to prevent unintended pregnancies, support pregnant woman and mothers, reduce the need for abortion, encourage healthy relationships, and promote adoption. And as we remember this historic anniversary, we must also continue our efforts to ensure that our daughters have the same rights, freedoms, and opportunities as our sons to fulfill their dreams. 

Well, oddly, Roe, in Roe vs. Wade had something completely different to say.  This was a picture circling Facebook on the anniversary:

Here’s a picture you WON’T see on the main stream media outlets this week. How is it that over 200,000 (Fox reports) pro-life advocates can march down Constitution Ave in Washington D.C. and there’s a total blackout from every media outlet accept EWTN? 

If this really was about choice, why isn’t our choice to keep a child being protected and given as much air time as the Occupy movement?   WAKE UP AMERICA!!! 
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20 Children Is Not “Too Many” {Catholic Sistas}

I had to share this blog post! Why? Because you will love it as much as I did:

“Selfish, irresponsible, insane, stupid.” “I hope she dies.” “She should have been aborted.” “I hope her child is a vegetable that will fill them with regret.”

Horrible, hateful words spewed about a woman who has likely never wished anything but kindness on others. Words spoken by people who have never met this woman. What heinous crime has she committed that deserves this antagonism?

She and her husband announced that they will be having a baby. Which is not a terribly astonishing announcement for most married couples to make, except…

This will be the couple’s 20th child. The mother, Michelle Duggar, is 45 years old. Her pregnancy with #19 involved complications that resulted in her child being born nearly 15 weeks early. These 3 factors (number of children, mother’s age, complications during last pregnancy) have turned this once again newly-pregnant mother into the butt of crude and cruel jokes and downright hateful taunts.**

The mantra of our modern culture: “my body, my choice, don’t judge me”, apparently only extends to women who wish to end their pregnancies by abortion; a woman who wishes to GIVE life to children is mocked and derided by the very people who believe that “I need to do what’s best for me.” In the words of Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, the father of a large family himself:

“Why are people impressed that Jay Leno owns 20 motorcycles, but disgusted that some religious families choose to have 10 children?

Want to read more?  Visit Colleen at CatholicSistas

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WINNER!!! Abby Johnson’s unPlanned Book is….

The winner of our unPlanned book giveaway by author and prolifer, Abby Johson is….

Congratulations Entry #24, Jenny!
Jenny’s comment: 
“I’ve wanted to read this ever since it came out, so thank you for this opportunity!”
{Jenny, I will be sending you an email so that you can send me your information to put this AUTOGRAPHED book in the mail for you!  (yep, I got Abby to autograph the book last night!)  YAY!}

Thanks to everyone who participated in this great giveaway!  Don’t forget we are also giving away a copy of Rock N Learn’s newest educational DVD on Sight Words!

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Planned Parenthood Center an Action Call

Friends, tragically, this mega Planned Parenthood (killing center) is near completion I ask you to please do 3 things:

1. Watch this video.

2. Go to the Prolife Action Ministries site at: and click on the picture of the building to download a list of contractors working on this project. Contact them. Tell them that building this facility is aiding in killing human beings.

3. Pray, pray, pray for an end to this holocaust of abortion and plead for the mercy of God!

God reward you!

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unPlanned by Abby Johnson {Book Review & Giveaway}

I’m sure you’ve heard of Abby Johnson’s new book unPlanned, but have you had a chance to get your hands on it and curl up with it reading her amazing story?  I first blogged about it back in January, 2011 on Raising Little Saints, before I had a chance to read it.

Abby Johnson was a college student when she first got involved with Planned Parenthood and she spent many years moving up the ranks within this organization from volunteer to Director of a clinic.  In this book she shares her journey from believing she was doing the best for women by being part of this organization to having her eyes opened to the sad realities of Planned Parenthood!

From the book description:

“Abby Johnson quit her job in October 2009. That simple act became a national news story because Abby was director of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Texas who, not long after assisting in an actual abortion procedure for the first time, cross the line to join the Coalition for Life.

What happened in that clinic to cause this Planned Parenthood leader and Employee of the Year to take such drastic action? And how did Planned Parenthood react to her abrupt departure?

Join Abby as she reveals her full story for the first time in Unplanned:a heart-stopping personal drama of life-and-death encounters, a courtroom battle, and spiritual transformation. Abby’s unique vantage point from both sides of the abortion clinic property line shines light and compassion into the political controversy that surrounds this issue.

For anyone who cares about the life-versus-rights debate and helping women who face crisis pregnancies, Unplanned is a must-read.”

After reading her amazing story, all I kept thinking of was how amazing it is that the Lord uses others to open our eyes to things that we are so wrong about.  Also, just how important it is for us Catholics to stand firm on our pro-life beliefs and to not be afraid.  We are here to allow the Lord to work through us and you just never know when someone’s heart will soften and their eyes and ears will open to the horrid truths of abortion.

This past Sunday, my family participated at the local Life Chain, it was done on a main road near a very busy mall (this road is always conjested no matter what time of day you drive by).  My entire family was there helping out by holding signs and praying for the end of abortion.  One lady drove by and screamed out the window of her dark blue sadan, “you would be doing more good for this world if you were picking up garbage instead!”  Straight out of my mouth came the words, without even thinking, “God bless you and heal you!”  Later in talking with friends they helped me realize that a lot of the people that shout back at you and are apprehensive towards pro-lifers feel guilty deep down inside for having had abortions or pressuring someone to have one.  One in four women have had an abortion in the United States…that is amazing to me.  Which makes me wonder and think about lots of my own high school friends who are child-less not by choice.  They have never been able to have a child and now nearing 40 they can’t have one, how many of them have had an abortion in their youth, I wonder?  Or used birth control for years and years, tricking their bodies and then attempt to conceive.  I pray for them all the time.

I am very excited to have read this book by Abby Johnson!  To see that the Lord heals and converts hearts to those that are involved even to the deepest level with abortion!  The Lord is so good to us and forgives us for our faults, after all this is why He died for us.  What is even more exciting is that I get to meet Abby Johnson this month!  She will be a key note speaker at a local banquet that my husband and I will be at.  It will be such a great honor to be in the same room as Abby, not because I see her as a star of some sort but mainly because I am so impressed and proud of her courage!  This is the courage that the Lord speaks about – to stand up for what we believe and not be afraid.

I highly recommend unPlanned by Abby Johnson!  I received a copy of this book as part of the Catholic Company review team but I also got a second copy from a friend and I want to share it with one of my readers!  🙂  So yes, I am doing my own give away of unPlanned!  Here is what you need to do:

Don’t want to wait for the giveaway to end and want to just buy the book?  Go to The Catholic Company and buy it today!

Best wishes to the winner!

Fine print: I received a free copy of this book from The Catholic Company for my unbiased opinion of this book. This free book does not affect my review.  This review was written as part of the Catholic book reviewer program from The Catholic Company. Visit The Catholic Company to find more information on Unplanned. They are also a great source for a Catechism of the Catholic Church or a Catholic Bible.

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