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Category Archives: papa ben
Pope Benedict’s Intentions for October, 2011
Papa Ben – We Love YOU!
Papa Ben {Pope Benedict XVI} is awesome! He is well read, well educated, and truly a Theologian! I don’t know about you, but that’s the kind of guy I want heading our Church! In just one week, he has taken the world “by storm” by stating, God-forbid, truths about our Catholic faith: Watch Michael Voris’s report on this from the Vatican. {just five minutes and worth it}.
I’m following the lead of my Pastor, Shepherd, Christ here on Earth, the Pope…and being “insensitive” by being really Catholic! God bless you Papa Ben! Thank you for sounding and being VERY Catholic! We Love YOU!
If you love Papa Ben, like our family does, give him a nice shout out on this post or on your blogs!
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