Category Archives: Our Lady of Guadalupe

A Colossal Set of Resources for Advent

Advent is the (roughly) 4 week season before Christmas when Catholic and other Christians commemorate the first coming of Christ and anticipate his second coming.  The first Sunday of Advent can fall on any date between (and including) November 27 and December 3 of each year. This year Advent begins on December 2nd.  These are the start dates for the next four years:
December 1; 2014:  November 30; 2015: November 29; and 2016:  November 27

Liturgical Facts on Advent:
Liturgical Color(s): Violet (optional: Rose for 3rd Advent)

Type of Holiday:
Season; Fast

Time of Year:
Roughly 4 weeks before Christmas

4 Sundays and their weeks ending at Christmas Eve

Jesus’ first and second comings

Alternate Names:

Scriptural References:
Isaiah 2:1-5,7:10-14, Jeremiah 33:14-16, Zephaniah 3:14-18, Micah 5:2-5a, Matthew 24:37-44, Romans 13:11-14

Catholic Encyclopedia:

Awesome Ideas Around the Web for Advent

Jesse Trees & Ornaments:




Books & Book Baskets:

(THANK YOU FRIENDS:  I want to thank all of you on our Facebook page that contributed to this list of Advent/Christmas movies):  (shout outs for those who suggested these)
General Posts:

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Feast of St. Juan Diego!

She said: “Juanito, the most humble of my sons, where are you going?” 

He replied: “My Lady and Child, I have to reach your church in Mexico, Tlatilolco, to pursue things divine, taught and given to us by our priests, delegates of Our Lord.”
She then spoke to him: “Know and understand well, you the most humble of my son, that I am the ever virgin Holy Mary, Mother of the True God for whom we live, of the Creator of all things, Lord of heaven and the earth. I wish that a temple be erected here quickly, so I may therein exhibit and give all my love, compassion, help, and protection, because I am your merciful mother, to you, and to all the inhabitants on this land and all the rest who love me, invoke and confide in me; listen there to their lamentations, and remedy all their miseries, afflictions and sorrows. And to accomplish what my clemency pretends, go to the palace of the bishop of Mexico, and you will say to him that I manifest my great desire, that here on this plain a temple be built to me; you will accurately relate all you have seen and admired, and what you have heard. Be assured that I will be most grateful and will reward you, because I will make you happy and worthy of recompense for the effort and fatigue in what you will obtain of what I have entrusted. Behold, you have heard my mandate, my humble son; go and put forth all your effort.”

Thank you for following Raising (& Teaching) Little Saints! Visit us again soon!

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

I am posting this a couple of days early of both feast days because St. Juan Diego is the 9th of December and Our Lady of Guadalupe is the 12th.

To honor Our Lady on her Feast day, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the patroness of the Americas, we did a couple of  simple yet, beautiful activities to honor our Blessed Mother.  

This day was a special day with our six year old son.  As the second of five children, I got some rare special one-on-one time with him for this activity.  We started by reading Father Lovasik’s book on Our Lady of Guadalupe.  I read and pause between pages with this little man because he LOVES to ask questions or just give his input.  He is an excellent auditory learner (I wish I was like him) so he captures things by just listening to them once – amazing!

Then we started a couple of fun activities I found around the web (see the list at the bottom of this post):

Don’t you just love the tongue out in concentration mode?

He was very cautious and meticulous about coloring his picture of our lady.

These were all of the supplies we used for this lesson.
The only one missing from this picture is the little Father Lovasik book.


More coloring and a picture of the cutest little candle I got for $.99 at the local “hispanic supermarket”.

The wonderful DVD that we used to wrap up the lesson.

With supervision, Jojo was allowed to light his little candle. 
On his own, he then proceded to say a Hail Mary
and a special prayer for the Protection of our Blessed Mother
of unborn babies (it was so adorable!).

Explaining his color choices (he used the candle as a model).

Here he was coloring St. Juan Diego.

I got this prayer for St. Juan Diego’s intercession from another blog;
I just loved that it was in Spanish.

He colored the Tilma and wanted the picture of our Lady to match, just right!

These little candles are about half the size of the regular Saint ones..

If you have been following Raising {& Teaching}Little Saints, you know how much I totally love all the DVDs that we got from CCC of America for children last year.  One of the ones we received from them for our review was Juan Diego: Messenger of Guadalupe.  We finished our activities by watching this wonderful little movie on Our Lady and St. Juan Diego.

 Blessings to you all!
Items used:
Our Lady of Guadalupe candle, bought at a local Mexican grocery store
Our Lady of Guadalupe book by Father Lovasik
Mama Erika
This blog post is linked up:
Fiestas de Enlaces Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe


CCC of America is passing along 3 DAYS OF SAVINGSto you, our Friends & Family.  This will be our only special this season, so here’s your chance to SAVE 25% OFF YOUR ENTIRE PURCHASE!  
Promo code: MERRY4ALL   Valid December 7th through the 9th, 2011
Promo code can be used online or with orders placed at 800.935.2222   
Thank you for following Raising (& Teaching) Little Saints! Visit us again soon!