Category Archives: Novenas

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

Today is the Feast of Mary, the Mother of God (a Holy Day of Obligation). Last night in adoration, Father said to us that we, because of the fall of Adam and Eve, have a fractured relationship with God.  But if we turn to Mary and imitate her, we learn the real way we should be loving, trusting, and adoring God, in a perfect way.  Our New Year resolution is to do just that!  To turn to Mary with all our needs and to watch her more closely as our guide through this journey to Heaven.  She is the perfect example for us so we turn to her in Novenas and prayer devotions.

We just came across this lovely website with a Novena to Mary, Undoer of Knots. Who would like to join us in this Novena?  The petition? For the protections of the Holy Priesthood of the Roman Catholic Church and especially all falsely accused priests. Mary has a very strong love for the priesthood, so in her honor on her Feast day, we begin in prayer for one of her favorite group of people.  Will you join us?  {Leave us a comment so we know who is joining us 🙂 }

This is a joint effort, we will be posting the daily Novena to remind you to pray with us for the Holy Priesthood here on Raising Little Saints and on our other blog:  40 Days for Priests.  We will post them at Midnight so that you have it in your “hands” for the entire day and can pray when you normally would.  Make sure you have signed up to receive posts via e-mail, your reader of choice (see the right column), by Twitter (@40Days4Priests) or Facebook.  Also Raising Saints has several ways to keep you posted on things like these.
Thank you for your prayers for the Holy Priesthood!
Blessings to you and your family in 2012!


The Novena:

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