Category Archives: Immaculate Heart of Mary

First Friday & Saturday Consecration Prayers to the Two Hearts

We did our Home Enthronement to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary almost a year ago.  It was one of the most beautiful days for our family, we had some really nice ladies come and help with the Enthronement and to pray the Rosary with us.  
Every first Friday and Saturday we try to make it out to Mass but when we cannot we do these simple prayers in honor of the Two Hearts based on the Consecration of St. Louis of Montfort.  The prayers we like I’ve now created a PDF to share with you in hopes that you will join us in prayer.
Prayers to the Two Hearts, First Friday and Saturday Devotions (PDF)
Oh wait, I almost forgot, I have four {4}total Consecration Kits that I received from my friend Ray Mooney, the National Director of Parish Consecration over at  that I’d love to share with my online friends. provides information about the Total Consecration to Jesus Through Mary, which was created by St. Louis de Montfort – one of Our Lady’s greatest apostles.  Please fill out the Rafflecopter below for a chance to win one!  Or, if you don’t want to wait and win, you can ask for a free kit from them directly.  🙂  But this is more fun, no?
PS: they now have an APP for the Total Consecration, check it out!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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A Simple “Recipe” for Spiritual Happiness

Do you feel like everything you plan just doesn’t work out?  Looking around and seeing so many people moving forward in life in so many levels but you feel like you’re stuck in neutral?  Do you sometimes feel like you pray, and pray, and pray and maybe God is not listening?  Do you feel like He is punishing you for something you have done in the past?  Do you feel spiritually dry?

We’ve been there and felt that way.  The economy is so bad, so many people out of work, it can get a bit depressing.  But looking back, I remember specific things we did to get out of this and move forward WITH God!  Here is a recipe that worked for us. (DH was laid off 5 times in less than 4 years, so imagine).

Click on picture above
to read this wonderful book!

1. Give all your worries and finances over to God. Trust the HE will provide for you, not you, not your DH.

2. Trust in God’s will for you. Say, “I would love this Lord but I want your Will to be Done not mine.”  (I know this is easier said than done but trust me one you really do ask God for His will not yours, the graces start to fall because you trust the Lord.)  The BEST thing that happened to me was coming across a book by Saint Alphonsus de Ligouri entitled, “Uniformity with God’s Will.”  And if you click on the picture there >>>  you have FREE access to the book 🙂

3. Go to Confession and Mass as often as possible.

4. Keep on praying even if you don’t feel like it.

5. Get your kids to pray for your situation, teach them to say, “Lord let your will be done for our family.” Pray the Rosary as a family.

6. If you can, have your home blessed at least once a year and have your home Consecrated to the Immaculate and Sacred Hearts.

7. Say the Old St. Joseph Novena daily until the perfect job comes.

Saint Joseph, I, your unworthy child, greet you. You are the faithful protector and intercessor of all who love and venerate you. You know that I have special confidence in you and that, after Jesus and Mary, I place all my hope of salvation in you, for you are especially powerful with God and will never abandon your faithful servants. Therefore I humbly invoke you and commend myself, with all who are dear to me and all that belong to me, to your intercession. I beg of you, by your love for Jesus and Mary, not to abandon me during life and to assist me at the hour of my death.

Glorious Saint Joseph, spouse of the Immaculate Virgin, obtain for me a pure, humble, charitable mind, and perfect resignation to the divine Will. Be my guide, my father, and my model through life that I may merit to die as you did in the arms of Jesus and Mary.

Loving Saint Joseph, faithful follower of Jesus Christ, I raise my heart to you to implore your powerful intercession in obtaining from the Divine Heart of Jesus all the graces necessary for my spiritual and temporal welfare, particularly the grace of a happy death, and the special grace I now implore:

(Mention your request & don’t forget to ask for God’s will to be done with your family!)

Guardian of the Word Incarnate, I feel confident that your prayers in my behalf will be graciously heard before the throne of God.  Amen.

8. Don’t be shy to ask family, friends, and even strangers for prayers. (SUPER IMPORTANT)

9. Be thankful for every. little. tiny. thing you have. I was even thankful we had running water, no kidding.

10. Accept the answer God gives you with grace and a smile on your face, sometimes the answer is NO, and not necessarily an unanswered prayer.

It is my hopes in sharing this (and this really is the “recipe” my family used to get out of this cycle) it might help you or someone you know.  God is there the whole time, in the good times and the bad times.

Please leave me a message asking for prayers as I will be praying for you!

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Advent Wreath Prayers Fourth Sunday

The 4th Week of Advent

The head of household or leader says the following prayer.

Lord, hurry and come to us. May your light shine in our lives, so that we may be freed from sin. Protect us from all anxiety as we wait in joyful hope for your coming as our savior: For the kingdom, the power and glory are yours now and forever. Amen.

The father (or grandfather or head of household) lights all four candles; they remain lit during the meal.

Suggested reading: Luke 1: 39-45

Mary Visits Elizabeth

LUKE 1: 39 In those days Mary set out and went with haste to a Judean town in the hill country, 40 where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. 41 When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the child leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit 42 and exclaimed with a loud cry, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. 43 And why has this happened to me, that the mother of my Lord comes to me? 44 For as soon as I heard the sound of your greeting, the child in my womb leaped for joy.45 And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her by the Lord.”

Thanks be to God.

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Advent Poem by St. John of the Cross:

Advent Poem by St. John of the Cross:
If you want, the Virgin will come walking down the road
pregnant with the holy, and say,
“I need shelter for the night,
please take me inside your heart, my time is so close.”
Then, under the roof of your soul,
you will witness the sublime intimacy,
the divine, the Christ, taking birth forever,
as she grasps your hand for help,
for each of us is the midwife of God, each of us.
Yes there, under the dome of your being
does creation come into existence eternally,
through your womb, dear pilgrim – the sacred womb of your soul,
as God grasps our arms for help:
for each of us is his beloved servant, never far.
If you want, the Virgin will come walking down the street
pregnant with Light and sing.
Blessings to you all on the Feast of San Juan de la Cruz
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September 8th: Happy Birthday Mother Mary

“Thy Nativity, O Virgin Mother of God, 
Hath brought joy to the whole world!”

Today, September 8 we celebrate the birth of Mary,
Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth.
In Domenico Ghirlandaio’s 1490 fresco Birth of the Virgin (detail above) in Santa Maria Novella, Florence, Italy, St. Anne rests in bed while an attendant holds the newborn St. Mary and the donor’s daughter looks on. The inscription on the wall above is from the antiphon for this feast: “Nativitas tua, Dei Genitrix Virgo, / Gaudium annuntiavit universo mundo” (Thy Nativity, O Virgin Mother of God, / Hath brought joy to the whole world).

Here is a short video about the Celebration of the Nativity of Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth:

A prayer, from the Divine Office:

I leave you with a beautiful Meditation on the Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary {The History of the Liturgical Celebration of Mary’s Birth}.

Happy Birthday, blessed Mother!  We love you!

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!

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Immaculate Heart of Mary Homeschool Conference Coming Up

Anyone going to the IHM Conference?  I wish I could go this year but won’t be able to.  If you don’t know what I’m talking about, see below.  From their website:
The largest Catholic homeschooling conference in the country has now entered its 10th year, and has returned to the place where it all began!
Join us as we celebrate our 10th anniversary with special new speakers including Sr. Rosalind Moss, Mr. Andrew Pudewa, and Mr. Steve Wood!
We are especially pleased to have the Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Virginia, The Hon. Ken Cuccinelli, scheduled for Saturday.
Not only has he gained the national spotlight by filing a lawsuit which resulted in having the universal healthcare mandate of Obamacare ruled unconstitutional,
but he is a Catholic homeschooling father. Please visit our Speakers page for a full listing of confirmed speakers.


Although we love children, attendence is restricted to adults, teens accompanied by an adult, and nursing babies.
This policy will be more heavily enforced than it has been in recent years.

Hilton Washington Dulles Airport Hotel

13869 Park Center Road
Herndon, Virginia 20171
(703) 478-2900
Free Parking!

Friday June 10th, 2011 @ 9:00am to 9:00pm

Saturday June 11th, 2011 @ 9:30am to 4:00pm

Got this from the Catholic Charlotte Mason Yahoo Group:

National Conference in Virginia –

List of Speakers…wow!

Daily Schedules including NEW Beginners sessions!

See site for info on new College Fair presentations and Teen programs.

For those on TWITTER, let’s use the hashtag of #ihmVA11 for tweeting about this.

In +JMJ+,


To join the Catholic Charlotte Mason Yahoo Group: Blesssings,

Mama Erika

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