Category Archives: homeschooling

Catholic Mom Book Club Columnist

I’m super excited to share that I was asked by Lisa Hendey (the author of The Handbook for Catholic Moms) to join the Catholic Mom team and become a book club columnist for them! Also, I’ve also written my first book review and I wanted to share it with you:

Could I Paint the Sky?
By Julie Hoy
Oregon Catholic Press, 2010

Could I Paint the Sky? by Catholic author Julie Hoy is a book about a small child’s inquisitive nature as well as her amazing love for God and her willingness to serve Him!

The main character, Madeline Judith, wants to help God do something really big and asks Him if she could help Him paint the sky? As big a task as it is, she asks and asks again (I love her persistence) but then one day God says “no” and the child is puzzled. Many of us (adults) have experienced when God in His infinite wisdom says “no” to us… in the end there is always a reason and usually a good one at that!

With some parental guidance, Madeline is reminded that we can serve the Lord in the small things we do everyday by picking up after ourselves in our homes to helping our neighbors, the elderly, etc. I love how this small child goes to her mother for help and advice. In addition, this book just overflows with the message of being merciful in a world that contradicts that! What kept coming to mind as I read this book were the words of Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta, “Do small things with BIG love!”

To read the rest of my review, visit by just clicking here.

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Name Change…

I’ve been contemplating doing this for a long while so just wanted to make it official and public, Catholic Blogging Homeschooling Mamas, AKA Catholic Mamas, is now Raising (& Teaching) Little Saints. The purpose of this blog will still remain the same…no worries 😉

With this said, if there is a blog that you just simply L-O-V-E and would like featured here, please send me an e-mail (or leave a comment with this post). My e-mail is raisinglittlesaints {at} gmail {dot} com.

God bless you all and Happy Feast of the Immaculate Conception!

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Prayers Needed….

Catholic Homeschooling Mommies, join me in praying for Laura Berquist’s husband , Marc, and family as her husband passed this morning on the Feast of All Souls…Please pray for the repose of his soul and the consolation and comfort of his family. Thank you.

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Catholic ABCs – A Curriculum

This year will be a very exciting one for our family….most of our kids (four out of five) are ready for some type of schooling!! Our eldest is flying solo in middle school, but our three middle kiddos are 2, 4 and 5 so they will be doing similar activities with different expectations regarding outcome. I was putting something together that revolved around the Saints and Liturgical year as well as teaching the three Rs and such. As of today, I have three weeks to square things away so as soon as I got a chance this morning, I got online for some more gathering of ideas at my usually favorite sites.

So I have some very exciting news; that is if you are a mommy to a pre-schooler! Catholic Mama Blogger, Lacy, over at Catholic Icing is going to share a preshool curriculum she designed for her Co-Op. She will begin posting it weekly commencing the first week of September. So click on this logo and go visit her. Go on, what are you waiting for? Oh and if you’ve never been to her site, be prepared, grab a cup of coffee or tea because she has a plethora of ideas to celebrate the Liturgical year! Thank you, Lacy, for sharing with us!

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The Trouble with Vampires***

In my “past life” (pre-SAHM/pre-Catholic Homeschooler) I was a Reading/Language Arts teacher for eight years and prior to that I spent four years in the Elementary classroom. Therefore, I know LOTS of teachers. Either as previous co-workers or peers at college, or a friend of a friend….most of my friends are teachers. Over six years ago (I think it was right before I got pregnant with #2), a group of them started a “Book Club” and the first book was great. When time came to read a second book, everyone voted on The Davinci Code. Most of the teachers in this group were Catholic School teachers in either Middle or High School. Much to my dismay, I read it…but when we met up, everyone’s interpretation of the book was warped by what society teaches…not what they know as FACT from our Mother Church…these ladies were all supposed to be Catholic….I was appalled, to say the least, and once the next book was announced, I slowly but surely exited stage right from this little group. Maybe I did it to save my “friendship” with them because I just couldn’t listen to my friends of many years speak such uneducated and false interpretations of our Lord and our beautiful Church. Fast forward years later and now living in a different state, my only form of contact with these ladies, most of whom are English teachers, has been via Facebook. (This is the background story to the purpose of this discussion.)

The past two months on Facebook have been bothersome to me…not just because ex-students status and posts but also because of adults my age (married and all) where acting like obsessed out of control teenagers….all because of the Twilight series! The adults were, yep you guessed it, the SAME LADIES from my book club 7-8 years ago. One post or two I can live with, but when they continued to post things about this series and one who recently divorced posted this status, “I am leaving my window open tonight, maybe Edward will pay me a visit.” well, my jaw dropped!

In addition, it brought flashbacks of when Harry Potter came out and all of my students went nuts! I must admit I did read books one and two of the series until I stepped back and thought
about the whole thing and something bothered me about it. I even had it as one of my required reading books in my seventh grade class at the charter school I was teaching at. Sad to say, not one parent objected to my selection! So the Twilight books are also being devoured by
teenage and adults of the female species alike…something about these books just didn’t sit right with me! Then I came across this article: A little long but so well written and if you have a teenage girl wanting to read Twilight, it’s a MUST READ!

I have not read them….I must confess…but I have to say that the pattern of “LOVE” for this series, like that of Harry Potter, kinda worries me. Ladies, the Devil comes in many ways and we MUST call him at it…please don’t think I sound kooky…read the attached PDF and give me your thoughts on this and PLEASE pass this on to any mom with a teenage/pre-teen girl….

*** I am no expert on this subject AND I had no time to go back and re-read or edit this piece…so please excuse my errors, and point them out if you’d like! 😉

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Catholic Homeschooling Conferences for 2010

Since I’m a newbie in home education, I have not been priviledged enough to attend a Home Schooling Conference recently. My husband and I did attend one once back in 2006, when we thinking ahead of what we wanted for our family’s future. We were just a family of five at the time and our eldest had always attended Catholic school all of his educational life. Never did we know that we were “opening a can of worms”, sorta speak, when we went to this conference.

As a teacher in both Catholic and public schools for 12 years, I attended several conferences and loved how neat it was to be able to fan through the books and see lots of goodies we yearned to have in our classrooms. The difference between the Catholic Homeschooling conference my DH and I attended and the ones I’ve been to in the past on my own (yes even the ones while teaching at a Catholic school) was the spiritual component. The atmosphere was very different and it is was drew us closer and opened our hearts and minds to home educating our children. With all of this in mind, I want to direct you to a list that Catholic Homeschooling Support has created for home educators of upcoming Catholic Conferences in your state. In my case, a group of home educators will be traveling to DC as it is the closest conference to our state. Here is the link to the list they have create.

If you have attended a home educating conference in the past, please leave us a comment of your experience at these conferences. Also, let us know why you would recommend that Catholic home educators attend these conference. By the way, a lot of these conferences are FREE of charge! 🙂 Who can resist that? LOL! Don’t forget, leave us a comment with your experiences.

Thank you for following Raising (& Teaching) Little Saints! Visit us again soon!

As We Commence a New School Year…

Back to School Prayers…

“Father of all mercies

We ask that you would bless the youngest and littlest of learners,
the most helpless and powerless of persons,

with Your infinite and loving mercy,

granting them the strength to learn, concentrate,

and act appropriately towards their teacher and fellow students (their siblings).

We also ask that You would watch over them,

at our homeschool and at play,

and grant them proper direction so that they may learn

of Your wonderful virtues.

We ask this in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ.”

Thank you for following Raising (& Teaching) Little Saints! Visit us again soon!

This Week’s Featured Mama Blog

Here we will feature a Catholic Homeschooling Mama’s blog that we think has fantastic ideas in many different areas: faith, family, home education, planning, healthy living, and more! For now, they will be posted/featured in no specific order. So without further adieu, here’s this week’s Featured Mama Blog: The Catholic Homeschool Society

(click on the image above to visit this featured blog)

If there is a blog that you follow, and you’d like us to feature, please e-mail me a link: raisinglittlesaints at gmail dot com or leave a comment below. Come again next week for another neat Catholic Mama to visit. Thank you to all the “Mamas” who have sent me links to wonderful blogs. Please, be patient with me and I will post them as soon as possible…just keep them coming! Thank you and God bless you!

Pax Christi,

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First Day of School Success!

While some of us are still planning, organizing, and ordering books, some Catholic Homeschoolers have started school for the 2009-2010 school year! (Yes, yes, a bit early, but she’s got a GREAT reason: a baby due any time now! So she wanted to get started before the wonderful arrival). Here, again, is one of our fabulous Guest Writers on CBHM, Liz.

Guest Blogging Mama: Liz is a wife to a wonderful husband and mom to 4 (soon to be 5) beautiful children: Marco (6), Isabella (5), Anthony (3), and baby Christian. They find daily inspiration in the Holy Family and look to Jesus, Mary and Joseph for guidance.
First Post on the First Day of School (a week today):

Our school room is done. My plans for the first two weeks of school are neatly written in my planner. Copies of necessary paperwork for the kids has been made and filed away. Our schedule has been posted on our bulletin board. School books are lined up ready to be used.

It seems like everything is in place for a new school year! The kids are excited and counting down on our calendar. For now, my job lies in preparing a special little something for the kids. As I posted earlier, I will be making a schultute for each of the kids.

I printed out and laminated a wonderful student prayer from The Teacher’s Helper cd’s I have. Each child will get one in their school cone. Other treats will include:

  • School supplies. A pencil case filled with simple supplies.
  • Stickers.
  • Klutz craft book.
  • Treats (candy and snacks).
  • New sketch books.
  • New crayons.
  • A t-shirt with our school logo on it.
  • A new rosary.
  • A small toy.
  • A handmade prayer book.

I’ll be working on the actual cones starting tonight and through the weekend. It was hard coming up with a “theme” for each schultute. But I finally came up with a shark theme for Marco (who is insanely into sharks right now), flowers and tiaras for Isabella, and an outer space theme for Anthony. I’m excited about getting them done!

I’m taking pictures as things get done, so get ready for a picture filled post on Sunday night!!

Second Post on the First Day of School (Tuesday of this past week):

We had our official first day of school on Monday! It was a complete success and the kids had a blast getting to “meet” their new books, open their Schultute’s, take pictures, and yes…even get started on work! All around, I saw God’s blessings and it turned out to be a perfect day!

I was hoping to capture the first lesson for each child, but only had the camera on hand for one shot. I did capture so many other shots, however, and I hope you like them!!

The kids’ Schultute’s the night before our first day.
I can’t say how excited I was to have the kids see them, but what surprised me was how excited my dearest husband was at the thought of starting this new tradition. He LOVED them!

After having a special pancake breakfast the kids were allowed to go into the school room. There they found crowns with their names on them and their new grade levels on the back. The giddiness they exhibited was adorable!

On the side of their names was a little picture clue as to what the theme for their Schultute was going to be. It was fun to hear them brainstorm all about their big surprise!

Even Christian got in on the excitement with his own crown.

On the count of 3, everyone say “First Day of School Rocks!!!”

Showing off their new grade levels on their crowns.

I made the kids stand in line while I placed their Schultutes on the school table. We then made a march to the school room once more.

It was pure excitement when they saw their cones on the table!! They immediately wanted to open them to see what was inside, but they knew they had to wait. And although Christian might look a little bummed that he doesn’t have his own cone, he quickly felt better after he got a little bag full of treats just for him.

My boys! That cone is almost as big as Anthony!!

Getting to open the cones was the best part of the day for the kids. I love the expression on Marco’s face when he sees what’s inside the Schultute! I’m glad I caught it on camera!! Surprises are the best!!

The kids finished opening their Schultutes and I let them spent part of the morning enjoying their treats. After all was put away, we hung them up on the wall where they nicely form part of the decor now.

We found a nice place on the wall to decorate with the school cones.
After all the excitement, it was time to hit the books and start a new year! It was a great day!!!

For more information on Schultuete, visit this site. Also, if you want to see what Liz did to prepare for this wonderful first day, please visit her home school’s blog at Holy Family Classical Academy. She’s got some fantastic ideas and suggestions on how to start the school year organized! I hope you’ve enjoyed the Ruiz family’s first day of school as much as I have!

God Bless you Liz and thank you for sharing this exciting day with us! Know that our family and the Mama readers of this blog will place your beautiful family in prayer. Also, for the safe the arrival of your new addition!

Thank you for following Raising (& Teaching) Little Saints! Visit us again soon!

Gotta Share: Summer Faith Adventure

A FREE Catholic Vacation Bible School (VBS) you can do from home! You have to sign up for a specific week (you can also sign up for the Advent and Lent Adventures and they will e-mail you in time for those). For more information from their site:

Register now for the “at-home,” FREE, week-long Catholic vacation Bible school: Holy Heroes Summer Faith Adventure! Choose your week to receive 5 daily emails full of short videos, activities, prayers, songs, all-new coloring pages, quizzes, and puzzles, everything you need to have a summer camp in your own home or backyard. New this year: The Story of the “Sel-fish” and the “Generous Fish.” (Mom and Dad: you’ll love the effect on your children!) Don’t forget: register now.

Supplies you will need for this journey (you will get an e-mail the weekend before you sign up with this list but in case you want to plan ahead):

Supplies for making all the week’s crafts:

  1. White paper or white card-stock
  2. Colorful construction paper
  3. Black construction paper (one piece per child)
  4. Tape
  5. Markers
  6. Scissors
  7. Wax paper
  8. Colorful tissue paper
  9. Glue
  10. Stapler or hole punch and string/yarn/ribbon
  11. Paper cups

Ingredients for making all the week’s snacks:

  1. Pre-made sugar cookie dough: This is only if you do not want to make the dough from scratch for the first two days of snacks. If you choose not to make the dough yourself but instead buy pre-made dough, you will not need any powdered sugar, almond extract, cream of tartar, baking soda, or sugar.
  2. Butter
  3. Sugar
  4. Eggs
  5. Vanilla
  6. Flour
  7. Baking soda
  8. Salt
  9. Hard candy (Jolly Ranchers, Life Savers, or any colorful hard candy)
  10. Powdered sugar
  11. Almond extract
  12. Cream of tartar
  13. Yeast
  14. Pretzel salt or cinnamon mixed with sugar
  15. Marshmallows
  16. Rice Crispies cereal
  17. Animal crackers
  18. Gold fish
  19. M&M’s
  20. Oyster crackers
  21. Pretzel sticks
  22. Pretzel twists

I just signed us up for the first week of August! There are only two more weeks of this left so don’t wait! Let me know what you thought of it, if you decide to do it! I can’t wait because my kids did a VBS at our Parish (I volunteered and they got to go for free, which I am very thankful for) but the program was VERY protestant…no saints, no Mary, no Sacred Heart of Jesus…I’ve seen it advertised at Protestant churches around here, unfortunate that they choose this program over a Catholic one. Anyway, this is my opportunity to do it the “right way” or, I should say, “what I was expecting from the one at our parish.” Enjoy!

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