Category Archives: home

Our Faith in the Month of May

Welcoming the Month of May!
This Month we Honor:  Our Blessed Mother!
Papa Ben’s Intentions for this month:

Feast Days this Month {click on the words to learn more about this Feast}:

1:  Divine Mercy “Quasimodo Sunday” = Indulgences Attached To Divine Mercy Devotions
2:  St. Joseph the Worker
3:  Sts. Phillip and James
6:  First Friday:  Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
7:  First Saturday:  Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
8:  3rd Sunday of Easter
10:  Optional Memorial of St. Damien de Veuster, priest
12:  Optional Memorial of Sts. Nereus and Achilleus, martyrs; Optional Memorial of St. Pancras, martyr
13:  Optional Memorial of Our Lady of Fatima
14: Feast of St. Matthias, apostle and martyr
15:  Good Shepherd
18:  Optional Memorial of St. John I, pope and martyr
20:  Optional Memorial of St. Bernardine of Siena, priest
21:  Optional Memorial of St. Christopher Magallanes, priest and martyr, and his companions, martyrs
22:  5th Sunday of Easter
24:  Pope Benedict XVI has designated today as the World Day of Prayer for the Church in China.
25:  Optional Memorial of St. Bede the Venerable, priest and doctor; St. Gregory VII, pope; St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi, virgin
26:  Memorial of St. Philip Neri, priest
27:  Optional Memorial of St. Augustine of Canterbury, bishop
29: 6th Sunday of Easter
31:  The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

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Drowning in Laundry?

So, as a family of six I felt (a couple of months ago) that I was drowning in laundry! When laundry day came, I wanted to run away as fast as I could! When I found myself doing laundry and about six months pregnant with number five – I freaked! So I did what a good mommy and housewife would do, first, I panicked, second I called for help from the “veterans” AKA mom friends with more kids than I!

To the rescue comes my friend Stephanie (mommy of SIX)! She taught me a system that works like a charm. I’ve been wanting to blog about her system since the first day she told me about it but I thought I’d give it a couple of months to try it out and see how it worked for me – it’s simply amazing! Then another friend of ours (Blogging Mama Liz) reported that she posted something on her blog about it a couple of weeks ago, so here it is: Stephanie’s Laundry System (for BIG, and not so big, families)! Thanks, Liz!

In my quest for a cool picture for this post, I found this cartoon about “the laundry monster” and I wanted to share it (oh how things change, lol):

Thank you for following Raising (& Teaching) Little Saints! Visit us again soon!

This Week’s Featured Mama Blog

Two weeks ago, we began implementing a new idea: Featured Mama Blogs! Here we will feature a Catholic Homeschooling Mama’s blog that we think has fantastic ideas in many different areas: faith, family, home education, planning, healthy living, and more! For now, they will be posted/featured in no specific order. So without further adieu, here’s this week’s Featured Mama Blog:
(click on the image above to visit this featured blog)

If there is a blog that you follow, and you’d like us to feature, please e-mail me a link: raisinglittlesaints at gmail dot com or leave a comment below. Come again next week for another neat Catholic Mama to visit. Thank you to all the “Mamas” who have sent me links to wonderful blogs. Please, be patient with me and I will post them as soon as possible…just keep them coming! Thank you and God bless you!

Pax Christi,

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