Category Archives: Fraternity of Saint Peter

His Most Precious Blood: the Most Beautiful Essence and Odor of Sanctity

Credit: Support the Priests and the Catholic Church FB page.

Fr. Poissons, FSSP, gave an amazing sermon today, and I thought I would share the overview here. On this sixth Sunday after Pentecost, the Epistle for today speaks of being dead in Christ by Baptism, yet alive in Christ Jesus by His Resurrection, and the Gospel is Mark’s relating of our Lord’s feeding of the four thousand.

Father used these readings to give an utterly perfect explication of the Precious Blood of Jesus, and reality of the Sacrifice of the Mass. It was the most perfect sermon on the Precious Blood I have ever heard, and given I have read some of the works of Saint Gaspar del Bufalo, Founder of the Society of the Precious Blood, this was edifying and impressive. Father’s main thrust:

Jesus very specifically chose to make present His Body and His Blood in two distinct forms. He could have chosen to make His Body and Blood present solely in the bread at the Last Supper, and could have easily made the wine His Body and Blood, but chosen specifically to use, and change, the offering of the priest Melchizedek – bread and wine – in a perfect way, so as to represent the Sacrifice of His Body, and the shedding of His Precious Blood, which are two aspects of His Sacrifice.

Father went into the punishments of Christ’s Body, and the shedding of His Blood during this Passion, leading to the final shedding of His Blood upon the Cross. In this way the two forms, or species, so more perfectly reflect the reality of His Sacrifice upon the Cross – the punishment and beating of His Body, and the shedding of His Most Precious Blood.

We have always believed, in thought and word, in transubstantiation by annihilation, that is the utter and complete destruction of the substances of bread and wine, leaving only the substance of His glorified Body, Blood, soul and Divinity in species in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and in this our Lord gives to us the most glorious aspect of reality now, the presence of God, physically, here and now upon our altars and in the tabernacles of the Most High.

Christ perpetuates His being slain upon the Cross in the Mass, and we must reflect always on the infinite gift, and infinite sadness, that we witness and participate in the re-presentation of our Lord’s Sacrifice for us. 

Father then spoke of our Lord’s Most Precious Blood being the sprinkling upon the lintel’s of our souls, the Blood of our Passover Lamb, and even though in the natural plane we are often repulsed by the sight or smell of blood, which has almost a stench to it, by our Lord’s Crucifixion and emptying of Himself of His Blood upon the Cross, His shed Blood has the most beautiful essence and odor of Sanctity. It’s sweetness is beyond measure, and we must always praise Him with gracious hearts for having sprinkled our souls with the sweetness and sanctity of His Most Precious Blood.

The sermon was perfection in clarity, given with great force and love. The rest of the Mass, as even a low Mass, was permeated by the reality of our Lord’s Body and Blood being made present again.

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Adopt-a-Seminarian: A Bitter Sweet Story

Before our move two months ago, I prayed that we could live near our parish so that we could have our Pastor or priests interact with our family and basically be like family.  Todd and I have a strong devotion to pray for the priesthood, after all we created 40 Days for Priests, and pray that we are blessed with at least one if not many vocations!  When I grow up, I want to be like this mom who had ten children and they all became a priest or a nun and one even a Bishop!  Can you imagine that?  We pray this prayer for the vocation of my children all of the time.

Here they are with Pope John XXIII:

Ask and you shall receive:

We have had the wonderful opportunity to help a Seminarian friend of ours names Allan learn English.  He is from Brazil and needs to learn the language to be able to attend Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary this Fall.  We have been working with him for almost four weeks now.  Every weekend, Todd picks him up on Saturday mornings and Allan stays at our home all day, eats lunch and dinner with us and then he goes back to the Rectory.  Same thing happens on Sundays and on a couple occasions, we got him to come over during the week.  It has been a total honor and privilege to help this holy young man learn English and for such an amazing cause!  {By the way he blogs over at Vida Sacerdotal if you want to pay him a visit, it is in Portuguese though}
Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary
BUT he is such a handful!  He’s funny, knowledgeable in the Faith, and he loves children…to us he is like having a living saint at our home.  My children simply adore him!  I think God works in mysterious ways…and His plans are so perfect.  Allan’s presence in our home has been a total blessing.  I think we have been the ones to thank him for the opportunity to help him learn English and for teaching us so much more!

This week Allan leaves to Nebraska and we aren’t sure when it will be the next time we get to see him.  I *know* we are all going to cry (bitter sweet tears) when we last see him this coming Thursday morning after Ascension Thursday Mass.  You see Allan has become part of our family. 

I’d like so share some pictures of our time together with him:
my kids adore him!

this was Allan’s idea…just so you can get a gist of his personality :p

he really enjoyed our walk in the park/woods

St. Francis look alike :p

yes that is a seminarian in a cassock riding a skateboard down my street!

Allan sitting on our front porch
What do you think?  Can we find a better way to foster vocations with our children?  I don’t think so I like this new “program” of temporarily adopting a seminarian.  🙂
Allan, you will be in our prayers and missed dearly but know that you have five littles ones praying for you constantly!  We love you!

Friends, can I beg you for prayers for Allan?  Thank you!

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