Category Archives: catholicism

Our Faith in the Month of May

Welcoming the Month of May!
This Month we Honor:  Our Blessed Mother!
Papa Ben’s Intentions for this month:

Feast Days this Month {click on the words to learn more about this Feast}:

1:  Divine Mercy “Quasimodo Sunday” = Indulgences Attached To Divine Mercy Devotions
2:  St. Joseph the Worker
3:  Sts. Phillip and James
6:  First Friday:  Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
7:  First Saturday:  Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
8:  3rd Sunday of Easter
10:  Optional Memorial of St. Damien de Veuster, priest
12:  Optional Memorial of Sts. Nereus and Achilleus, martyrs; Optional Memorial of St. Pancras, martyr
13:  Optional Memorial of Our Lady of Fatima
14: Feast of St. Matthias, apostle and martyr
15:  Good Shepherd
18:  Optional Memorial of St. John I, pope and martyr
20:  Optional Memorial of St. Bernardine of Siena, priest
21:  Optional Memorial of St. Christopher Magallanes, priest and martyr, and his companions, martyrs
22:  5th Sunday of Easter
24:  Pope Benedict XVI has designated today as the World Day of Prayer for the Church in China.
25:  Optional Memorial of St. Bede the Venerable, priest and doctor; St. Gregory VII, pope; St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi, virgin
26:  Memorial of St. Philip Neri, priest
27:  Optional Memorial of St. Augustine of Canterbury, bishop
29: 6th Sunday of Easter
31:  The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

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Teaching Tip: The Seven Sacraments

I am always on the look out for wonderful resources to teach with especially about our faith.  Since I am a technology junkie, I just totally loved this slide show my friend Richelle shared with me today.  I wanted to pass it along to you since I love sharing:

I really like the way they present the Sacrament and then how they break it down to the very essence of each one!  I will definitely use this with my son who will be making his Confirmation next year.  Hope you like it as much as I did!


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Catholics Come Home

If you haven’t seen any of these videos, you need to see them! The Catholics Come Home campaign is amazing! Every time I watch one of these, I get chills:

They have done a great job with these…I’m posting them on FB all the time as I have lots of family and friends who don’t understand the Church as it truly is…a great way to evangelize and open channels of communication with others…so spread the word!

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Extraordinary Mass

This is a wonderful post for those of you who have considered ever visiting a Mass in the Extraordinary Form: Colleen Hammond: New Booklet: “For the Visitor at Mass”.

If you’ve never been to one, I HIGHLY recommend you visit one. It will only make you say, “ahhhhh….” how amazing our beautiful Catholic Faith is! I promise!!! To find a Traditional Latin Mass (or now known as the Extraordinary Form of the Mass) go here:

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Two Priests Who tell it like it is!

If you ask my DH who my most favorite priest in the US is, he would say two names: 1. Father Euteneuer (HLI) and 2. Father Corapi! Fathers Euteneuer and Fr. Corapi, I’ve never met but would love to! I subscribe to Father Euteneuer’s newletter and love how straight forward he is about the whole situation in America (and the world) regarding humanity’s disdain for life!

Father Corapi is amazing! I’ve blogged about him in the past and I have almost all of his retreats and/or converences recorded on my DVR at home (I think I might have over 30 hours recorded!). I love both of these priests for many reasons but mainly because they tell it like it is! They are not afraid to speak up and truly preach the Gospel!! They, in my eyes, remind me the most of Christ! I’m certain there are tons of priests out there just like them, these are just the two that are my most favorite!

Father Corapi will be at a Conference in Cincinatti coming soon on July 17th. At this conference he will be speaking about something that will touch lots of nerves with people, secular and Church: social teachings of the Catholic Church. Father Euteneuer will emcee this event as well and I WANT TO BE THERE! So why is this conference stirring things up all over the place? Here is an article at the National Catholic Register by Danielle Bean (a great Catholic mother and wife – she’s got 8 kiddos and the editor of Faith and Family Magazine!) article on the whole situation.

Here’s some information on the conference:

To order tickets go here!

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Good Wholesome Catholic Movies

We have a couple of friends who have ditched the TV from their homes…no, this is NOT a typo. They had consciously decided to get rid of the TV, well mainly cable and some the actual sets, from their lovely homes. In 2010, this is hard to believe! Personally, I’d love to do it if only I could get DH to agree with me 100% on this, lol! He’s about 75% of the way there…still working on him about it. Why would I want this for my home? Several reasons:

1. TV/Cable is a distraction for real wholesome family time.
2. It is a venue for the wrong kind of messages to my children (EVEN THE CARTOONS)!
3. It is addictive and keeps you from focusing on the things that matter most.

I’ve had days were we don’t turn the set on all days…the silence is lovely! Now, my friends who have opted for this lifestyle do watch movies. Some very limited kind, of course and no, they aren’t weird or dress or look weird, lol! They are very “normal” Catholics who are trying to keep the focus on their faith – that’s all.

The past week, one friend recommended a movie entitled The Robe…she saw it with her nine-year-old and they both loved it! It is from a very different perspective about the life and ministry and death of our Lord, Jesus Christ, in the view and words of the Roman Soldier who cast lots to win Jesus’s robe. I really want to see it with my 12 year old! I think it would be a fantastic film to watch during Lent as well!

Last night I asked another friend to make a list of these kinds of movies so that I could share with other moms; and for my family as well of course. These are older Catholic movies that you could watch with your kids. Here is the list that my friend Dan compiled for me, he entitled it “The Best Catholic themed films that I have seen” [he has made specific comments]:

  1. “The Last Hurrah” starring Spencer Tracy
  2. “The Fighting Sullivans” starring Thomas Mitchell and Anne Baxter.
  3. “I Confess” starring Montgomery Clift and Anne Baxter.
  4. “San Francisco” with Clark Gable and Spencer Tracy.
  5. “The Reluctant Saint” with Maximilian Schell. [overtly Catholic]
  6. “Ben Hur” The Charlton Heston version.
  7. “The Quiet Man” starring John Wayne and Maureen O’hara.
  8. “Come to the Stable” with Loretta Young and Celeste Holm. [overtly Catholic]
  9. “The Miracle of Marcellino” 1950’s version [overtly Catholic]
  10. “The Long Gray Line” with Tyrone Power and Maureen O’hara [excellent film, somewhat Catholic]
  11. “The Fugitive” 1948, with Henry Fonda and Dolores del Rio [overtly Catholic but hard to find]

If you have other films you’d like to add to this list or if you have already seen any of these and you’d like to tell us about them, please feel free to leave a comment. Also, when I taught at a Catholic school in Florida, I always went to this website: to see what the Catholic US Bishops had to say about current films and TV shows. Of course, for newer films you can also visit:

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Lent is Here! Activities for Children

There is a plethora of ideas and activities to work with your home schooled children via other Catholic Blogging Mamas throughout the net. Here is the line up of what I’ve found thus far (if you find other good sites to recommend, please post a comment on here withe link). Some of these overlap a little, be aware! 🙂 Here is the line up (hover over the name of the blog to click on the link):
  • Catholic Blogging Mama Lacy @ Catholic Icing (I LOVE THIS BLOG): Not sure if Lacy is a homeschooler but I love her blog because she has tons of activities for Lent (and other Liturgical seasons for that matter). I love her ideas for kids to make sacrifices by giving up favorite toys and putting them away during Lent! What a great way to teach children sacrifice!!!
  • Holy Heroes Lent Adventures: Follow Lent with Holy Heroes! If you sign up for their program (which is FREE) you will receive a daily e-mail with what will be done next for each day of Lent. There are activities and adorable videos (the their kids), check them out!
  • Catholic Blogging Mama Liz @ Holy Family Classical Homeschool Academy: She has compiled a list of activities on her blog, very neat! You will find a Lent Lapbok, Sacrifice Beads, Prayer Jar, Pretzels, Way of the Cross candle craft, Station coloring book, family chart, Crown of Thorns, Sacrifice Jar, and a Merciful Cross.
  • Catholic Blogging Mama Erin @ Catholic Homeschool Society: Lent resource for families – Lent Journal for Children posted to view sample pages and order a copy.Includes: Liturgical Calendar, Coloring Pages of the Saints, Family Discussion for the Sunday Gospel Readings, Collection of Prayers, Family Activity Ideas during Lent, The Ten Commandments, Stations of the Cross, The Holy Rosary – focusing on the Sorrowful Mysteries, Family projects for Lent – Cooking, Sewing, Woodworking, and Gardening and more..
  • Family in Feast and Feria: They have created a printable Stations of the Cross for kids! I love it!
  • Catholic Blogging Mama Gae @ Cherished Hearts at Home: She has put together a Stations of the Cross box with ideas for each station, go to her neat blog for the list of items you probably already have around your house!
  • I Blog, Therefore I am! isn’t a homeschooler but a Faith Formation teacher and has come up with lesson plans that she will be using for Lent with her students with vocabulary and everything!
  • Catholic Blogging Mama Sally @ Castle in the Sea: Sally has details of a Stations of the Cross activity she does with her family from the printables to how to actually do it to involve your children, big and small. Thanks, Sally, for sending us this information!


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