Category Archives: Catholic Sistas

10 Steps to Start {Catholic} Homeschooling

Recently, in a Catholic Homeschool group on Facebook, a mom commented about her doubts regarding homeschooling. My dear friend and blogger over at Totus Tuus Family, Allison, replied one of the sweetest and most perfect replies, she said,

“”If God leads you to it, He will lead you through it. I had MANY of those same doubts. I read lots of homeschool and Catholic homeschool books looking for those who had conquered the obstacles I perceived and that combined with prayer fortified me. Am I perfect at it? No, no one is…no education is perfect. Let God work on your fears, it sounds like He IS working on your heart.”

This got me thinking about my own homeschooling journey which is only four years young. How did I get here and what helped me stick with it? Then I wondered how many other moms out there on the fence about homeschooling and have not because of fear or lack of knowledge. Is this you?
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RLS Joining forces with Catholic Sistas

Good news!

 Raising {& Teaching} Little Saints
is joining forces with
and providing a new series entitled Catholic Homeschooling 101
by Raising Saints
Same great ideas, different blog address.
So find us now under their Domestic Church category as Homeschooling.
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One of THE Most Controversial Teachings of Catholicism

I read a very controversial article this morning on Catholic Sistas…something that people don’t normally want to talk about.  But I I want to thank the woman that wrote it for her courage to say this in public. 

This article hit home for me because it reminded me of a when I was in high school.  See I was a I peer counselor for TONS of girls who had similar situations as you described in your article. When I dug deep enough, I found similarities in their childhood, the lack of proper training or understanding of what sexuality or their place in the world was/is. This always stuck with me, so every time I’ve bumped into someone who has confided in me of the similar temptations you describe in your article today, they too had similar backgrounds! 

Honestly, I had forgotten about them and their situations until this morning! It was really great to read your article, a breath of fresh air that someone is brave enough to go public with this and to set the record straight (no pun intended) about this topic! THANK YOU, “anonymous writer” for being so courageous!  This is such a beautiful testament to God’s unwaivering love and His desire to bring us all into His arms no matter the sin, after all it is why He died for us:

Confessions of a Recovering Lesbian
One of the most controversial teachings of Catholicism is its teaching on homosexuality. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church:
Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.” They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved. (2357)

For most of us, this teaching is challenging, especially if someone we love is gay or lesbian. But what if you are the Catholic struggling with these desires? Is it possible to be faithful to the Church’s teachings and still be happy?

Yes, it is.

I am a 37-year-old Catholic woman who has been happily married for nearly 15 years. We have five children that I homeschool. I also struggle daily with same-sex attraction.

Read more, trust me, you will be glad you did! 

UPDATE:  LifeSiteNews has picked up this piece AND also offered an interview with the writer, Dawn Wilde!  This interview gives you further insight to the post I was referring to above!  An interview with Dawn Wilde, the author of ‘Confessions of a recovering lesbian’ BY PETER BAKLINSKI

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20 Children Is Not “Too Many” {Catholic Sistas}

I had to share this blog post! Why? Because you will love it as much as I did:

“Selfish, irresponsible, insane, stupid.” “I hope she dies.” “She should have been aborted.” “I hope her child is a vegetable that will fill them with regret.”

Horrible, hateful words spewed about a woman who has likely never wished anything but kindness on others. Words spoken by people who have never met this woman. What heinous crime has she committed that deserves this antagonism?

She and her husband announced that they will be having a baby. Which is not a terribly astonishing announcement for most married couples to make, except…

This will be the couple’s 20th child. The mother, Michelle Duggar, is 45 years old. Her pregnancy with #19 involved complications that resulted in her child being born nearly 15 weeks early. These 3 factors (number of children, mother’s age, complications during last pregnancy) have turned this once again newly-pregnant mother into the butt of crude and cruel jokes and downright hateful taunts.**

The mantra of our modern culture: “my body, my choice, don’t judge me”, apparently only extends to women who wish to end their pregnancies by abortion; a woman who wishes to GIVE life to children is mocked and derided by the very people who believe that “I need to do what’s best for me.” In the words of Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, the father of a large family himself:

“Why are people impressed that Jay Leno owns 20 motorcycles, but disgusted that some religious families choose to have 10 children?

Want to read more?  Visit Colleen at CatholicSistas

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