Category Archives: blessed sacrament

Counting Your Blessings

DJ, our 13-month-old

As we finish this school year and feel totally burned out and ready for a break…You know the time when my children are getting my my nerves the most and I have the least amount of energy?  Then they amaze me!  Remember my post about feeling scared that I wasn’t doing a good job homeschooling?  and what a priest told me? You know the one about our kids being HB?  Well, my 13 month old just confirmed this!

How?  Well, we live less than 3 miles away from our parish, we can hear the bells ringing when it’s time for Mass or at Noon for the Angelus…so we go out of our way most days to pass by the church as we go run around doing errands.  Why?  Because we like to pass by and say “hi to Jesus!”  Yesterday in the evening, we drove away from our home almost opposite direction to the Church.  As we passed by the street were our Parish is located {no, you couldn’t see the Church}, our 13-month-old, says {in his best beginning speaker talk BUT clear as day}:  ” Bye, bye Jesus!”

You know I started crying!  Thank you Jesus for the gift of home educating my babies from birth!  I guess I am doing a good job and I’m certain that so are you dear friends!!  So don’t forget to count your blessings as you finish another year of home educating!  😉

Mama Erika

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This Most Blessed Truth

“If any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever; and the bread that I will give, is My flesh, for the life of the world. The Jews therefore strove among themselves, saying: How can this man give us His flesh to eat? Then Jesus said to them: Amen, amen I say unto you: Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink His blood, you shall not have life in you. He that eateth My Flesh, and drinketh My Blood, hath everlasting life: and I will raise him up in the last day.” (John 6)

How does anyone not read this and realize the whole of our existence depends on this single pronouncement? It is not bread, it is not wine, it is your Creator, giving Himself to you gratuitously. Does any Christian that believes in Sola Scriptura not see that their belief system contradicts the Bible, and that in this passage God does not speak cavalierly? His allegories are for instruction. This is NOT an allegory. This is a very POINTED, blunt, take it or live it literal commandment. He went out of His way to make this point. If He wishes the redemption of humanity for all the rest of time, this giving of His Body and Blood is not a symbol, and it wasn’t just for His time. Those that believe in the Most Blessed Sacrament are the true fundamentalists, and we stake our very souls on this basic belief, that Jesus is Truth Incarnate. He cannot deceive, nor be deceived. He redeems us all, in His Body, and His Blood. In this any Christian lives forever, or dies forever.

One last thought, I found this online on a web page, no author listed but I thought it was so perfectly written:

“Jesus was only nine months in the womb of Mary, three hours on the Cross, three days in the sepulcher, but He is always in the tabernacle. Does our reverence before Him bear witness to this most blessed truth?”

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