Category Archives: advent

New Year – New {Blog} Look

We have decided to change the “look” of the blog to go with the Liturgical Season!  So we are dressed in purple and rose for Advent as our family prepares for the birth of our Savior.

Blessings to you all,
Mama Erika (and DH who did all the technical work)

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Veni Emmanuel – Happy New Year!

Today is a historical day in our Holy Mother Church, it is the first day of Advent and the first day of the Liturgical year. It is also the first day every parish will be using the “new” Missal (English speaking parishes that is). This is my favorite season of all, it is the time when we look in anticipation forward to the birth of the Lord of Lords and King of King on Christmas. The weather is cooler is some parts of the world and it makes the home come to life! I love the lit fireplaces, and when outdoors the smell of the wood burning as the cool air gently caress your face. It is a time when we see family more and our homes are full of warmth and a hospitable nature. For me, this time is full of new beginnings, not just liturgically but also for each person spiritually. For me, this is when I make resolutions for the new year, a time to look back, analyze how we’ve spent our days this past year and an opportunity to start over! Isn’t that lovely?

Our little family wants to first focus on preparing for the birth of Christ by remembering his past and heritage by using a Jesse tree. Also, by meditating on his coming by reading the daily scriptures and attending Mass as often as possible to receive Him the the Holy Eucharist. Jesus is the King of King and the judge of all, preparing for his birth will also prepare our homes and hearts for His future coming at the end of time.

So how exactly will we be doing this?
1. Refraining from participating in what we call, the “Christmas frenzy” which really isn’t very Christ-like at all. (if you missed the news of all the misshaps on “black Friday” – don’t Google them, take my word for it, they were NOT how Christ would want us to act in preparation for His birth).

2. Decorating our homes in purple and rose ONLY! Putting out our Advent wreaths and making crafts with the children to decorate our mantle turn Family Altar. On our front window of our house we put Advent Candles on the window each Sunday. We get lots of questions from the neighbors (another little way to evangelize).

3. We do not put any Christmas decorations up until we get closer or even one year we did it on Christmas Eve after dinner, half of us spent the day cooking the other half decorating. My DH and I share a birthday on the 20th, so that is the day (as a tradition in our family) that we set out to hunt for a Christmas tree. No we don’t panic that we can’t find one but instead know that the one we will find is the one Christ would love.

4. This is our first year using the Jesse tree and we will be doing this every day of the Advent Season. This will help our family recall the entire history behind the coming of Christ.

There are so many wonderful ways to prepare for Advent, every family has his own. If you’ve never observed this beautiful season, my family and I invite you to try at least one thing new this year and you will receive Baby Jesus with a prepared and humble heart.

Happy Advent Everyone!

Mama Erika

PS: if you blogged about a neat Advent idea, don’t forget to link up with us.

PSS: if you are still looking for ideas for your kids take a look at our little packet full of fun and educational Advent activities for little hands.

Oh I almost forgot, we are also participating in Holy Heroes’s Advent Adventures:
Holy Heroes
This blog post is linked up at:
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Preparing for Baby Jesus – Advent Link Up

To help each other keep the focus on the Birth of our Savior, I am creating a link up for Advent.  If you have a blog post that you’d like to share on ideas to celebrate Advent with kids or as a family, please add your link to the bottom of this post.  🙂  I only have TWO RULES:

1. Please visit the links of other Mamas that have linked up and leave them a sweet comment!

2. Please Grab the button/picture below and add it to your post, say something like:  “I’ve shared/linked up this post on RLS’s Preparing for Baby Jesus Advent Link Up!”

Thanks for participating!

Mama Erika 🙂

Thank you for following Raising (& Teaching) Little Saints! Visit us again soon!

Celebrating the Liturgical Year with Children: Advent (FREEBIE)

Happy New Liturgical Year, my Catholic Friends!

I love that our new Liturgical Year is only days away.  My family is very excited to start using the new Missal.  We love collecting old Catholic books and have tons of Missals from the past, the new one closely resembles the 1965 one we own (which is post-Vatican II, btw).  We love the new and rich language and since we love Latin as well, the new translation is going to bring so much to the beautiful Mass!  As we prepare to use the new Missal, lets not loose focus on the newness of it and continue to focus on what counts, being prepared for the birth of our Savior, or Baby Jesus as my children love to refer to Him during this time of preparation.

I’ve created another set of activities for my kids and making them available to you for FREE, of course. These are fun activities the teach our children what the true meaning of Advent and Christmas really is. By observing Advent you are preparing your children for the birth of Jesus Christ. We will be using these activities throughout Advent in addition to making ornaments for our Jesse tree and making a new Advent wreath.  I’ve attached a link to the two wreaths I’m favoring this year.

Feel free to share a link to this blog post with your friends.

Advent Activities for Kids
Looking for some neat Advent wreaths to make at home?  Here are two of my favorites:

(Grand)Mama Birgid over at Catholic Sistas, made this easy to make and super toddler safe (just watch the candles ladies) Advent wreath:
ADVENTuresome Family Fun

My new friend, Mama Lindsey over at Happier Than a Bird Quilts, made this beautiful Advent Wreath out of felt, she created an easy tutorial.  Hope on over to her lovely blog and tell her how clever she is!  🙂

Advent Wreath Tutorial
REMINDER: Since the New Missal this year will coincide with Advent, don’t forget to visit Mama Lacy over at Catholic Icing and grab her new Mass Response book for kids!

Free to Download and Print!

Hope you like them and enjoy!

Thank you for following Raising (& Teaching) Little Saints! Visit us again soon!