A Colossal Set of Resources for Advent

Advent is the (roughly) 4 week season before Christmas when Catholic and other Christians commemorate the first coming of Christ and anticipate his second coming.  The first Sunday of Advent can fall on any date between (and including) November 27 and December 3 of each year. This year Advent begins on December 2nd.  These are the start dates for the next four years:
December 1; 2014:  November 30; 2015: November 29; and 2016:  November 27

Liturgical Facts on Advent:
Liturgical Color(s): Violet (optional: Rose for 3rd Advent)

Type of Holiday:
Season; Fast

Time of Year:
Roughly 4 weeks before Christmas

4 Sundays and their weeks ending at Christmas Eve

Jesus’ first and second comings

Alternate Names:

Scriptural References:
Isaiah 2:1-5,7:10-14, Jeremiah 33:14-16, Zephaniah 3:14-18, Micah 5:2-5a, Matthew 24:37-44, Romans 13:11-14

Catholic Encyclopedia:

Awesome Ideas Around the Web for Advent

Jesse Trees & Ornaments:




Books & Book Baskets:

(THANK YOU FRIENDS:  I want to thank all of you on our Facebook page that contributed to this list of Advent/Christmas movies):  (shout outs for those who suggested these)
General Posts:

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8 thoughts on “A Colossal Set of Resources for Advent”

  1. Erika, thank you for including me on your list. This is a wonderful collection of resources to refer to the entire season; I'll be coming back often.

  2. A very large and long list indeed! We just released a Jesse Tree Study Guide over at our site Sanctus Simplicitus that would be most fitting for your list. It teaches about the old testament along with cathecism lessons and all the stories are from vintage Catholic educational materials! It has a been a huge hit in just the two weeks it has been out.

    We also have an Advent wreath brochure free to download with the prayers and history of it and are having weekly posts on keeping Advent that you might enjoy. Our whole site is all about the Liturgical Year! http://www.sanctussimplicitus.com/advent.html

    Praying you and yours had a most blessed 1st Sunday of Advent!

  3. This links directly to my Advent wreath paper craft that I did with my religion class. Also, if you search the blog for "nativity", you'll find lots of printables, along with several on my other blog (button linked in right-hand column).

    Thanks for compiling this list….makes class prep easier!!

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