Top 10 Catholic Blogs – A Traffic Report & Thank You!

As part of my November Mission to give thanks as much as possible, I want to start linking up and thanking those sites that bring in the most friends over to visit Raising {& Teaching}Little Saints.  This past month, October 2011, these are the Top Ten Friends (websites/blogs) that brought the most traffic to Raising {& Teaching} Little Saints (in order of most traffic to least):

Catholic Icing

Forever, For Always, No Matter What

I received referral visits from 117 sources during the last month! FaceBook sent me 146 visits but most of you are typing our web address directly, which is real easy “Raising Little Saints {dot} Blogspot {dot} com”. A lot of you are also Google Searching topics and hitting our page (staying the longest I might add) – thanks!

For all the friends that visit our blog:

Thank you so much for your support and for visiting us, and commenting.  We hope that we have helped you in your journey, in some small way, in raising {& teaching}your own little saints!

Mamas Erika, Cristina & Kristy

Raising & Teaching Little Saints
I got this idea from Mama Kelli over at 3 Boys and a Dog:

Thank you for following Raising (& Teaching) Little Saints! Visit us again soon!

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