“We understand many of you would like an update–any update–on the status of Fr. John Corapi. Please be assured that as soon as Fr. Corapi updates us with the status of these events, we will utilize all avenues of communications to update you, his fans, and followers.
Recently, Fr. Corapi held an internal office meeting and informed us that he is “not extinguished!” He expressed his continued desire to help deliver a message of hope to those who seek it and he informed us that by this weekend he will have a “very important announcement” that he plans on delivering on YouTube, Facebook, and through email.
We ask that you continue to lift him up in prayer and are encouraged for what lies ahead.”
I don’t know about you but I can’t wait and pray that it is happy news…I miss him on EWTN!
On a happy note, this year Father Corapi is celebrating his 20th anniversary since his ordination STOP THE PRESS!! This man has only, ONLY, been a priest for 20 years???? Have you ever heard him? Okay, if you don’t believe in God using us and his priests to speak through them, you have to hear this man! He explains so much in such a short time and it is so clear…crystal clear, only the Lord can send messages like that! Here’s a glimpse of it:
From their website: “Now, commemorating his baptism and 20th anniversary of ordination, we are reducing prices on the entire inventory for the remainder of the month of June. 50% OFF ENTIRE INVENTORY, to take advantage of this offer, you must use the coupon “June2011” in the checkout process!” Also, visit him on Facebook!
Can’t wait to see him again, how about you?