Are your kids HB?

As our second year of home educating comes to an end and I reflect on these past two years in our homeschool journey, I am reminded of times when we laughed, cried, learned, prayed, and loved.  Early in our journey I recall one specific time, in Confessional….it went something like this:

“Father, I am new to homeschooling and I am worried.  I don’t think I’m doing a good job at it.”  He asked, “Why do you think this?”  “I don’t know Father, there are so many things I would love to do with the kids but the days seem so short and time flies.  Plus all the housework, some days I just think I may not be doing a good job teaching them.”  –silence–

He then asked, “Mom, do your kids know who Jesus is? the Blessed Mother? Do they know their prayers? Do they talk to you about God and involve him in their every day lives?” “Yes Father,” I answered, “then that is all you need to worry about, the rest will happen, they will learn to add and read but what is important is that they know God!”
I’ll never forget that day! Keep the focus, Heaven bound not Harvard!  😉

Mama Erika

Raising & Teaching Little Saints 
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