Be a Man: Father Larry Richards

My beloved and our great friend went to a Men’s Conference yesterday with our Bishop. They had an amazing day (the Bishop was with them most of the day)….it consisted of talks, Confession, eating, and sharing….the speaker that stood out the most was Father Larry Richards. He was able to find a video of a conference he did in Boston and we wanted to share it with our RLS readers:


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4 thoughts on “Be a Man: Father Larry Richards”

  1. Oh.. Father Larry is a great friend of ours in our home! (Haven't met him just yet) but there are some of his talks for free at My all time favorite is called The Truth and talk about eye opener for all Catholics. May God keep him safe! God Bless!

  2. He has so many homilies from over the years…that you probably could listen to a different one every day. I like to pick a date close to today's date or the same season.
    Going to the Mass celebrated by Fr. Larry was a highlight of the last conference I went to (NCCYM in New Orleans)

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